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Panic attacks while asleep???

Community Member

Hey guys

so last night something happened to me and it has left me feeling shaken up all day!

I was having a dream, I was sitting in my backyard with some people I don’t know and I had a dog. This dog came and sat beside me on the bench and put its head on my lap, all of a sudden this horrible feeling came over me, like someone was sucking the breath out of me, or like I was being possessed as they say. It’s hard to explain, I didn’t feel like I was suffocating but the sensation was horrible... it woke me up and the feeling was there like it never happened in the dream it was actually happening! All of a sudden that wave of fear came over me and I really did think that I was dying, I was scared and that heavy horrible feeling I get in my chest came, I was shaken and I didn’t know what to do or where to go.... has anyone ever experienced night time panic attacks? Does this sound like what this could be?

1 Reply 1

Community Member
Hey Ruru,

I'm not sure if I have read it correctly but I suffer from deppression and anxiety. in my case it rarely displays itself in my dreams but it has happened and like you as soon as I woke I am in distress with the same emotions as in the dream. the feelings can be overwealing even if not at all based in reallaity.

I sometimes stay in bed and keep dwelling on the negative emotions wich is the worst thing to do. if this happens and I force myself to get up and get my mind on something else, even having a shower these feelings tend to fade. in saying that it is tough force myself into another situation.

so no you are not alone.
