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panic attack

Community Member

Hi last week my son and partner came to visit me for a few days     I was fine until they went home on sunday   did cry a lot though   last night they were on skype    soon after I had a big panic attack  ended up at hospital    today I feel so down and crying    hope this isnt going yo happen all the time    need some help

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Viper, 

Sorry to hear you're struggling. Im glad you were able to get yourself to hospital to at least get checked out and hopefully feel a bit safer.

The unfortunate thing about anxiety and panic is that it's often related to futuristic worry, fear of the unknown as such. For now give yourself some space and time, and try to avoid getting hooked on those thoughts like "I hope this isn't going to keep happening". You could try replacing that thought with, if this happens again I will be more prepared. Or the feeling of panic isn't with me right now.

It's understandable that you feel low today. Is anyone at home with you? Or could you arrange for someone to come over? Are there some small things that you could do just as a distraction for now? Perhaps sit outside and look at pictures in a magazine, write down how you're feeling, have a shower/bath, brush your hair, watch a comedy movie, practice some mindfulness or meditation (even if only for a minute)? Start small,  today its ok if you can't manage big things...there's always tomorrow. 

I know when im feeling down, I hate people saying "I hope you feel better", so although I do, instead I will say "I hope you can feel a little more comfortable with how you feel today, we are always here if you need to vent or feel supported".


Community Member

Thankyou  I have finally got some help see phycologist  tuesday     the doc is keeeping an eye on me    told me if I need help at night go to hospital