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Panic attack?

Community Member

Hi All,

I have recently started having difficulties at work when approaching people to talk with them or speaking in meetings.

My heart races, my breath gets really shallow and stunted making it difficult to talk and I feel really anxious. It passes but its making life difficult.

Starting to avoid people and situations where I think it may occur.

Any thoughts?


2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Rem

Watch this on youtube and it should explain it very well .
Dr.Claire Weekes - How to overcome Anxiety
Sound like classic anxiety symptoms that are just building up a level .

cheers kev

Community Member


It sounds like a panic attack. Although intensely uncomfortable, panic attacks aren’t dangerous. You have to ride them like a wave. Being aware of the panic and acknowledging what it is can shorten the duration of them I’ve found. I tend to say to myself whilst having a panic attack is that it’s just a panic attack and it can’t hurt me. Although it might make you feel better in the short term, avoiding situations where you think you might panic will make you less capable of effectively managing them. It sounds like a social type of anxiety you’re suffering from. Putting yourself in uncomfortable positions is incredibly difficult but you have to try to train your brain to not activate the fight or flight response in a safe environment. You should speak to your gp about this as there are plenty of options that could really help you, such as a psychologist or medication.

Take care
