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OCD(Anxiety) - physical pain

Community Member

Hi All!

I had a HUGE post written out about this, but couldn't go through with it.. So I'll keep it short and somewhat sweet.

Has anyone experienced physical pain and or sensations on a constant basis, caused by there OCD? In my case. Pain then followed by obsessions about dying.

I say pain quite loosely as sometimes I'm really not sure if I'm even experiencing pain or just everyday sensations.

Both my GP and psychologist are agreeing that it is my OCD. However you know what OCD is like, and well here I am asking this..


7 Replies 7

Community Member

At the moment this Is my second attempt at headache. A couple of years ago I had a CT, two MRI's one with contrast one without. Nothing could be found, and about a year later the 'pain' and obsessions disappeared.

I'm back with the headache and obsessions about a brain tumour/dying. And once again a MRI returns nothing.

Community Member

Hi there 😄

sorry to hear what you are going through its rough when we have all these intrusive thoughts and the physical pain to go along with it 😞 I have generalised anxiety along with health anxiety of late meaning the past couple of months I have convinced myself I am dying either be brain tumour Breast cancer or any other type of cancer I can think of . My physical pain wich I can have most of the time is dull ache in left arm neck and shoulder of course I go straight into panic mode my doctor also thinks this is anxiety but my anxiety tells me my body's trying to say something's not quite right . Just try and keep in mind your tests have come back clear and remind yourself this is great news I know it's hard I've also had tests that have come back clear and still I sit with the feeling of doom I think that's more scary then anything is never really believing the professionals hope I've helped alittle with sharing abit of my story.😄

Community Member

Ace! It's the big 'What If'..

Funny thing is I have been here before. The headache, the lower back pain, Neck/Jaw. Nothing ever comes of it. One day, Boom, gone.. I had pain on the left side of my neck and sometimes into my jaw. Offcourse it was lymphoma cancer. Poking and prodding everyday to feel my glands. Randomly one day I notice it is gone, and then I kid you not, the very next day the headache appears. I hate saying headache, as it's honestly a 1 or 2 on the pain scale out of 10. Which is why I'm not sure If it's even there or not.

All the best Ace. Look after yourself, and keep your chin up. 🙂

Community Member
Yes indeed the what ifs 😣 I've been here to before about 5 yrs ago now and all of a sudden bam it's back 😳 but best wishes to you as well and sending positive thoughts 😄

Community Member
Anyone else going through this, or been down this track?

Community Member

I hope it's not too late to say anything. I'm new here.

Yes. I went to the doctor in 2015 because I suspected I might be really sick the way I was feeling. I could feel buzzing, and it would wake me up. She ran a whole bunch of tests, and I was perfectly healthy physically.

Often I will have a pain, go to the doctor and tell them about it, then it goes away.

I wonder if I will be 95 one day and laugh at myself. Hopefully.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Eth93, I know how you feel as people on the site know that I've had OCD for 57 years, and to answer your question 'has anyone experienced physical pain and/or sensations on a constant basis', absolutely, especially when I was much younger, but didn't have a computer to check out any of these symptoms on the net, plus my Dad was a GP and never believed that I was suffering from depression until a brother who was older than me mentioned to him that I needed help.
We obsess about something we think we have, but as soon as our doctor has put us through several tests, it makes us feel at ease, but in the meantime it's agony.
What information we think we have learnt from the net or what other people may say to us, yes we do start 'poking and prodding everyday to feel our glands' thinking that perhaps a lump maybe a serious problem, but as soon as our doctor examines it, they say there is nothing to worry about, so our obsessive fear disappears, but it may not stop because there could be something else we think is a serious problem.
I'm about to log off since I've been on the site since 3 am, but I have written down your username just in case my memory loses it, but I do hope that you keep it going and please ask any question you want to, because anyone not suffering from OCD, it's an unknown pain to those who don't have it.
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