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Not sure what's up

Community Member

I have had difficulties with anxiety (generalised as well as social anxiety) for many years now. I can sometimes experience depression and anxiety to a level in which I no longer feel I can cope it is normally temporary as I  find that I can cope again a few days later  and might not have an experience like this for months. Over the last 2 months I have had these periods of high level anxiety 3 times. I think I have reached a point in which it is becoming unbearable. I am currently finishing the end of a semester of university and find that the social expectations generally trigger these periods of high level anxiety. I have four weeks to go but I just don't see how I will get through it.  If I do manage to scrape through I will still have some deep underlying issues that I need to work through. This year has been one of the most stressful years of my life.. I have gotten to a point in which I am actually frightened to seek help. I am really trying to build up the courage to see a counsellor at uni.

9 Replies 9

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi A46,  Welcome to Beyond Blue forums

In the meantime you can do some deep breathing. Also progressive muscle tension exercises can even be done in bed. Try Google for that. They both worked for me over many years.

See your counsellor at uni- very good move.

Take care

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ajirmat46,

The completion of a uni degree can bring up a number of stressors - what will happen next? what if I don't pass? I've got so much to get done in such little time! etc. I'm wondering whether any of these sorts of thoughts are playing on your mind?

You also mentioned that perhaps there is an underlying cause for the anxiety, have you been able to talk with anyone about this? Would you feel comfortable sharing here?

Do you know why you may have become nervous about speaking to the counsellor, or even perhaps seeing a GP?

It really is worthwhile, once you have been able to chat with someone, sometimes it can just help you put things into perspective.

I hope that we will hear back from you.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I also wanted to add that you might like to look at the thread SELF HELP TIPS FOR MANAGING ANXIETY. Its under the Anxiety Section of the forums. A lot of people here have contributed some suggestions which have worked for them in the past. You might like to explore these further at least in the interim.


Community Member

Thank you for the replies. 

I saw a GP about one month ago. When I told her that I had social anxiety and that I wanted to try medication she didn't really ask me anything but did give me medication. After the first day I had to stop as the effects were really hard to handle whilst also trying to commit to uni. The effects were worse than my anxiety and at the time my anxiety was relatively manageable. I don't really feel comfortable seeing that GP again. There isn't anyone else I feel comfortable with as I am new to the city I am living in. I have written an email to Beyond Blue, I guess it's a baby step to getting help. 

I have begun meditating again as well as exercising. Hopefully my panic attacks will become manageable soon. My emotions are very choppy at the moment.  I have also decided to stop my studies which is a relief but it also leaves a bit of a hole as well as a whole lot of regret. 

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ajirmat46,

I'm wondering whether now that you have stopped your studies if you would consider trying the medication again? Only, of course, if you feel you need to. Often the side effects settle after 4 weeks or so, but yes, they can make you feel worse before they start working.

Meditation and exercise are great for anxiety and panic. If you want a quick progressive muscle relaxation have a look at 8 minutes to calm on Youtube. It's been my lifesaver over the past year, and it's great that it's so quick. What sort of exercise do you enjoy doing? Yoga can be a really good way to exercise and focus your mind.

Will you still go back to your studies in the future? I can imagine that you may feel some regret about not finishing, so it might be helpful to have a goal to go back at some stage. Did BB get back to your email? Yes, this is a step in the right direction. Feel free to post here as often as you like also.


Community Member

Thank you for your reply.

I actually wrote a long and thoughtful post about 2 or so weeks ago but my wifi cut out at the moment I sent it. It has taken me a little while to have enough motivation to write again. 

 I have been meditating everyday and doing Pilates most days as well as eating healthy foods. I'm also reading an acceptance commitment therapy book.

 I think I have been improving enough as I am no longer stuck in bed but trying to be active. I was thinking of beginning yoga classes but think that I might start taking the antidepressants tomorrow.(I'm basically predicting that my anxiety will become unmanageable for a while once I begin the course) I still have allot of fear and have allot of social anxiety. I'm hoping the antidepressants might help me to face my fears and improve my ability to connect with people. My social skills have really dwindled over the last 10 months and are basically non existent at the moment. I only really talk to my partner and only leave the house with him. 

 I already used half of my mental health care plan getting my Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis  earlier this year however I found out that it is not too hard to transfer them over to another psychologist. I just have to somehow get my mental health care plan from my original GP which seams complicated at the moment as I live in a different city now.  I kind of hit a snag today after not getting enough sleep last night..  Meditating was very hard. I think I will call the GP from my previous city on Monday as I am not coping so well today. 

I think I might have to give the video you suggested a go today. 🙂 

How do you think the antidepressants might help?


Community Member
I'm  not sure if my message went through as it asked a question about medication?

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Ajirmat,

Sorry, I have only just now seen your reply. I've had a pretty hectic few days.

I think the anti depressants will increase your cognitive function so that all the Psycho-educational work that you do will be a lot easier to take on board. They should also lift your mood a little, so you are better prepared to face some of your challenges like being in social environments.

Will you let us know how you get on with them? Also just to point out don't forget that sometimes they can make us feel a little worse before they help us get better. Have you got some support around you, should this be the case?

Regarding your Mental Health Care Plan, you should just be able to go to a GP in your new city and request a new one. This might make things a bit easier for you. Is this a possibility? Also MHCP's can be revised, so if you feel you need more sessions then that should be possible. They can also cover you for an additional 10 group sessions, so it might be worth finding out if your Psychologist runs group therapy for ACT or even self worth and self esteem.


Community Member

Thank you for the reply.

I will let you know how I go. I think that I will start taking them this weekend. My partner is very supportive and will be able to help me out.