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Newbie having panic attack

Community Member
4.00am can't sleep the world is closing in on me. I am going to die if I sleep. Not afraid of dying afraid for my two children . I am at the age to die 69 , I know I can't live forever but what if I go to sleep and die my to disabled children would find me. For the last month I have had 3 hours sleep per night.tonight 1 hour I feel so alone , my wife died 5 years ago I talk to no one no one to talk to .
4 Replies 4

Dear Mikeyme, 

We’re so grateful to have you reach out to our community this morning and are so sorry to hear everything you have going on at the moment. Times like this can definitely get overwhelming . We hope that you find our forums to be a safe and supportive space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. Our community is here for you. 

We hope you know that there is always help available to you, whether it's from our professional mental health counsellors Beyond Blue (available 24/7/365 on 1300 22 4636) or our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).
Keep checking back in with us whenever you feel up to it. 

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Mikeyme

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through what must a very rough patch right now- please do act on Sophie M's advice if you can. You can also use this thread to keep us updated on how you are going and share a bit more about you and your story if you like- it's up to you. We are here to listen and can provide lots of different kinds of support.


Community Member
I hope you post soon so we can know more about you and your children. I think by posting you may find pretty good people to share conversations with.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Mikeyme...

A very warm and caring welcome to our forums...

Im deeply sorry your feeling this way..and also so deeply sorry about you loosing you wife...I lost my husband 7 years ago...I can understand the loneliness and fear your feeling about dying and your children finding you...

I am 65 and for many years didn’t go outside or talk to no one...I decided to volunteer with a well known charity..it has helped me not feel as lonely because I get to chat to a few girls one day a week....is that something that you might consider?...They definitely need men volunteers...Also chatting to your Dr and telling him about your thoughts, fears and how your feeling..would be a great help for you..if you feel you could do that..

Here for you dear Mikeyme if you feel up to talking...

You were very brave reaching out to Beyond Blue..well done..Its a great first step...

My kindest and most caring thoughts..
