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Can I ever be free?

Community Member

Where to start...

So, I'm new here to the forums and live with intense anxiety and bouts of depression - a reality I'm only really starting to talk about and admit to myself and others. I am reaching out for support. I have experienced a traumatic few months with my mental health with changing medications and working with the ACUTE mental health team to see what was best for me so I didn't have to go to hospital. I thought I may have had to go, though wanted to stay home in the environment I know. I am seeing psychologists, and going through a change with work. I feel like my my identity is completely rattled and unsure presently.

You see, I get stuck. I get stuck in my thoughts and believe them to be the truth. I realise this isn't helpful though these thoughts and feelings totally consume me and I become lost. I am lost. Lost within the past or future or the worry, rahter than living in the present and taking every moment as it comes. I can break out of it sometimes, though it comes back. I want to be free of my negative thought patterns. To let go. To believe I am something. That I am worthy. I care so much about what others think of me. I project my own judgement onto others so it reaffirms my own judgements. Maybe people do judge me? But I don't want to care. This is so tricky...

I don't want to end up in hosptial. Last week I really thought I might. I want my confidence back. I lost it somewhere a while ago and can't pinpoint how, when or where?

Can I ever be free?

2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

HI, welcome

The answer is yes. You have a strong support team currently and thats a very good foundation by which to recover.

Anxiety and depression is serious illnesses. I have had anxiety and conquered it totally. It took me 22 years total but I did it and am sooo relaxed now and full of calmness.

Recovery from anxiety in my opinion comes with several remedies- professional support, medication, therapy, relaxation sessions, education, youtube videos and if required, a sleep study.

So without rambling on it best I ask you to click on the following threads -



Please repost to return your opinions of the above.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear arthouse-,

I join TonyWK in telling you that you can definitely be free. Things feel terrible right now, you're rattled and feeling unsure. It feels like you're down in the pits, but there's always hope that you will recover. Your support system is in place. You have a mental health team who will help you through this. And more importantly, you want to get out of this, you have the willpower to.

Recovery will take time, but remind yourself that you're in no rush. Be kind to yourself and celebrate every little win. It's normal relapse through this journey, but know that it's just part of the journey. You'll get better if you keep u with your treatment.

Keep sharing your thoughts with us if it helps you make sense of how you're feeling. Hopefully in browsing our threads, you'll find others whose experiences you can connect with as well.

All the best.
