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Community Member
Hey, my name's Rob I am 28.. I don't know if I'm posting in the right place but I just really need help.

I just am constantly feeling like I'm so worthless and everything I do is wrong. I'm such a waste of space and I don't know what to do. I have done the things everyone tells me to do I am visiting doctors and psychiatrists and taking medication but I feel like it isn't helping and I don't know what to do anymore. It seems like when I talk to my family they care for the first few minutes and then they just expect me to be over it.

I don't really have many friends to speak to and I'm just really really really struggling. I am not depressed specifically but I am really sad and scared all the time and I don't know what to do

I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post but I just don't know what to do.. I'm so scared and in pain all the time.
5 Replies 5

Hi Rob,

First of all can we just say how grateful we are you've decided to join us here. We know posting for the first time in particular isn't easy but it is so important.

We're sorry to hear how much you are struggling. You've come to a safe and non-judgmental space where people who have had or are having experiences similar to yours give and receive support, advice and conversation from a place of real mutual understanding. Often family wants to help but they don't know how.

We're sure you'll find our valued forums community members helpful. We also want you to know there are many help options available to you. You can call and speak with one of our qualified mental health professionals at the support service 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or email (expect a reply within 24 hours) or webchat to them from 3pm to midnight every day via: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rob

Welcome to the forum and you have posted perfectly, we hear you and we are here to chat and to share how you are feeling as much or as little as you want to. How you have described you are feeling is alot to manage so I am pleased you have reached out here.

It is hard to manage when you do reach out to family and friends and don't really get much back, sometimes I think people struggle with what to say and how to respond, so they don't, which is pretty hard for the person reaching out. In saying that we do have so many good resources these days and I would like to think that people know about Beyond Blue and other support services. That they too could reach out how to find out how to support you, or anyone for that matter. As we know though, we cannot make others do anything and nor can we be responsible for how others respond to us.

I am so sorry to hear that you are in pain and that you are scared all the time, it is hard to know what to do when this happens. Can I ask if you have things in your life that do bring you some joy, even if it is small or momentarily? There are also some great threads here in the social section here that you might like to have a look at and even join in on.

I hope to chat to you some more Rob, we are here for you and we care, feel free to share as much as you feel comfortable to, there is no judgement here.

Hugs to you


Community Member
Thanks so much Sarah,
I am sorry for the slow reply I kinda regretted posting here cause I thought it was the wrong place..

I do have my dog, she is the absolute best thing on earth and she just gives me so much joy. She is honestly an angel I am so so blessed to have her..

I'm sorry if my original post was too forward but I didn't know what to do. I will check out the social section for sure though.

Thank you for reaching out

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Rob, and a warm welcome.

There are many different conditions which are recognised as a MI and these can be found by clicking on 'All Posts'.

When anyone who is suffering wants to talk with someone close to them about what they are experiencing or definitely how they feel, it may be difficult to explain and be taken the wrong way, not fully understanding, so they dismiss further approaches by you for help.

Another option is they don't know how to reply to the concerns you have told them, so they avoid you.

I'm really sorry that you're struggling and the dog you love will know how you are feeling and behave accordingly.

It's great you have posted your comment and really hope to hear back from you.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Rob

It is great to chat to you some more. Never apologize for what you feel like chatting about here, that is what we are here for, to support you and to listen and help you through this time so whatever you want to get off your chest is fine.

I am so happy that you have the love of a pet, I have three cats and while they can be pretty arrogant..lol..they mostly want to sit with me and one of them does follow me around the house quite a bit, they are divine. They really do provide us with a love that I think humans just cannot not sometimes.

Once again it is great to chat to you and I hope you don't feel so regretful posting now and that you do know we are here for you, to share as much as you feel comfortable to.

Hugs to you Rob
