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New job

Community Member
Recently started a new job and am filled with self doubt and anxiety. I am starting to recognise that I suffered this at times in my last job too, and lately I have been waking up through the night with feelings of panic, wondering if I have done everything right and doubting whether I have what it takes. I have always been an overthinker and procrastinator. I am getting sick of hearing myself constantly voicing the same self doubts and anxieties and think maybe its time to actually do something about it to help overcome this.
Does anyone have any pointers or services to recommend?
Thanks in advance.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi DaniJ,

Firstly, I just wanted to say that I hear you, and I appreciate you reaching out for help and a bit guidance here- the forums are a great place for that.
Please know that your struggle is valid and you deserve help: perhaps seeking some structured help from a kinder resource could empower you- we can point you in the direction of some caring, non-judgemental resources if you like. It can be a daunting process especially when you are unsure of what's going on and are feeling down on yourself, as you say. We could navigate it together if you like as we know it may be a delicate process. Let us know, we are here. This thread can be a great starting point too: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/treatments-health-professionals-and-therapie...

Sending kindness your way,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi DaniJ

Just thought I'd check back in here with you, it's been a little while since we heard from you. How have you been travelling? Feel free to keep us posted, if you like. You are more than welcome to just read along the forums and of course, we can chat more in this thread, too. Have you been able to reach out at all? We're here to listen and would love to be updated on your healing journey, if you like.
Sending kindness,