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Just after some advice

Community Member

I’ve been to the dr what feels like a million times over my eyes straining hard to focus. I’ve done countless test, had ct scans done seen everyone Nd my eyes still strain hard, the only thing I can put it down to is the pinched nerve in my neck or my anxiety, just wondering if anyone else has the same problem ? Thanks

3 Replies 3

Community Member
First and foremost, have you had an eye test?

Lack of focus and concentration due to anxiety, depression stress or a clinical diagnosis can impact our vision massivly.

If you haven't had an eye test start there. If all seems okmove to your next step being a psychologist or phsyciatrist.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi KK7

Firstly, I just wanted to say that I hear you, and I appreciate you reaching out for help and a bit guidance here- the forums are a great place for that.
Please know that your struggle is valid and you deserve help: perhaps seeking some structured help from a kinder resource could empower you- we can point you in the direction of some caring, non-judgemental resources if you like. It can be a daunting process especially when you are unsure of what's going on what's causing the issue, so we could navigate it together if you like as we know it may be a delicate process. Let us know, we are here.

Sending kindness and understanding your way, and hope you get some clarity on the issue!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi K77,

Just thought I'd check back in here with you, it's been a little while since we heard from you. How have you been travelling? Feel free to keep us posted, if you like. You are more than welcome to just read along the forums and of course, read the posts here. Hope everything improves for you and you get some clarity.
Sending kindness,