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my mind works in loops

Community Member
as the title says; my mind works in loops. When I am trying to find a solution to a problem, it is brilliant because my mind just keeps attacking the problem from different angles, turning it over, until it finds a solution. However, the down side is, it can cause problems. When I encounter a problem that is outside of my control, a problem I can't do anything about. Then my mind keeps trying to find a solution. But it can't seem to find a an answer. But it keeps trying to. This causes me a lot of anxiety. Which is kind of what is happening now.
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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
That sounds really exhausting. Going around in a vicious circle to solve a problem outside of your control. Have you tried writing these thought cycles out? Sometimes writing things out can help you organise your thoughts so that you can see them from a different perspective. Are you able to distract yourself until the anxiety subsides? Grounding techniques may also be helpful in taking you out of your mind and bringing your focus back to the present. Do you have someone close that you feel able to talk about this with? Sometimes it can really help to share what’s going on so that you don’t feel so alone in your distress.

Community Member

Hi Weaponsofmassdisstortion

I think I am quite familiar with the probem you have been encountering, I was being like that all the time, now I get better, sometimes I still also think about a problem and trying to find a solution but in a healthy way. What do I mean by that ? I mean to me, whatever we do should be in balance right ? we brush our teeth, we eat, we take a shower, ...etc almost every act we do should be in balance unless we are going to call it an addiction I suppose. therefore, I think the best way we can do in here is to control and direct those ruminant thoughts to other things, when I usually think too deep and unnecessrily deep about something, I will be aware of it and try to do something else and do not let myself dwell into that cycle anymore, talking with friends family just some small talks, asking questions,... sometimes I think we should not try to solve all the problems all over the world, the more we solve the more it will arise, then just solve enough and do something else, if someone asked us and we can not answer that question deep enough what they wanted us to explain then what is a big deal right ? which means we are human and there is alwasy a room to improve, to live is to improve. if something is out of my control, my advice is maybe you can put yourself into the worst scenario, for example, I am an university student now, so if my parents do not have enough money to support me to study anymore what is going to happen ? no problem, I go to work, everyone has to work, why can I not ? what if I go to work but can not be rich ? is it a big deal ? no, there are tons of people who are homeless in developing countries but they can still try to live happily for sure, they dance and laugh in the rain with other strangers ? why can I live, and who said that being rich is a definition of hapiness anyways. I hope it is helpful.