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Can I be forced out of the family home?

Community Member
So, my mother has gone into fulltime respite care at the nursing home, I thought it was going to be temporary but now looks permanent, my sister and I have power of attorney over Mums affairs. My sister has been authorized and taken over Mums bank accounts. I live in the family home and my concern is whether my sister can go ahead and sell the family home without getting prior approval from Mum. I believe the house is still in Mums name.

I feel my sisters have dumped Mum into the nursing home and while they have contacted her from time to time, I feel Mum has been left and forgotten. I can’t visit Mum for Christmas due to COVID-19 but I planned to leave a present for her at the reception.

Does anyone have any prior knowledge, can a family member with power of attorney sell the family home from underneath a living parent? I feel that my sisters are move interested in their inheritance for the sale of the family home than their own mother.

I have spoken to a friend of mine and could potentially move in with him for a while, but he goes onto a parttime pension in June 21 so I don’t know how giving him money would affect his pension
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi Slippers,

I'm sorry to hear that! its not a very good feeling.

I'm not 100% sure what the legalities would be considering your mother is still alive.

you should contact legal aid (google legal aid with your state) they should be able to give you advice on whats possible etc.

all the best!

Community Member

I never have the same experience before but I think I had similar experience when it comes to money then I think I can share with you to let you decide what to do, if I were you I will just ask all of my sisters about my mom's condition, whether she is okay or not, I think if we try to open up gently, people will open up back, to me, anyone in family who is in need the most should be supported without judgements, you know things happen, a house is just a house, but a family can make a house and make memories out of it, family is still more important I suppose, and I think if I can not visit my mom directly, I may call her to talk heart to heart, to ask her if she is okay as well. Sometimes creating a phone call with everyone including you and your sisters to see her by facetime maybe. I hope it is helpful.