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Med free for the first time in 3 years

Community Member

My dr told me that takeing a small dose of anxiety medication was having a placebo effect and to wean myself off.

I have successfuly done done this and now three weeks later I am feeling angry, depressed, sad and heightened emotions

I want to stick this med free period out, for as long as I can but, at what cost!

My husband is walking on eggs shells

My kids whisper to not make me upset

I feel utterly defeated!

I hope this anger and depression passes soon so that I can enjoy this period of time without being on medication!

2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion


Hi. Welcome to beyond blue. I don't know anything really about the getting off medication, but I am listening to your story. It sounds as though (from your perspective) thing have regressed? The feeling that you have now are better or worse than before? These are things my psych* ask me each time I see them. Sort of like keeping (yet another) journal. Of tracking how I feel.

I cannot tell you what you should do. I am not a trained professional. But I can chat with you about my experiences and throw a question your way? Is that OK?

When I started with my psychologist I was not on medication. Everything was going OK until something happened this year. So I made an appointment with my GP and was put onto ADs. As far as my mental health is concerned, my GP is out of the picture unless I see her for something else. I m guessing there will be a time when I get off medication, but will I stop seeing my psych? Not sure. I guess what I am trying to say is to listen to your body?

Do you think you should go back to your GP and talk about the effects? Do you believe the medication was having a placebo effect?

If you are getting angry, depressed, sad, etc. what is happening to cause these moods? Can you identify any triggers? One thing is psych says to me is to identify my triggers, and if I am feeling like their is a lump in my throat or anger, is to them us my distraction techniques to come back the present.

Is there anyone outside of your immediate family you can talk to? Someone that you can talk to in order to release the anger and sadness?

Hope you can enjoy the weekend without medication. And if not, be aware there are other pathways to "getting better" without medication. In saying that, I also put my trust in those who look after me.

Listening to you. All the the best,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Karlsbad, thank you for posting your comment.

I'm so sorry to see you feeling this way, it's not pleasant at any time.

Can I please ask you, and it's only in a caring way, how were you feeling when you were taking it, and I only ask this because your mood has changed.

The worry is now you've stopped taking it you aren't feeling well and that's what none of us wants to happen.

Best wishes.
