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Managing my Anxiety Through 12 Months of Cyber Bullying

Community Member

I would have been totally destroyed if not for the Beyond Blue forums during the past 12 months. The tips and tricks have helped me stay sane when some days I was sure I would end up curled on the floor. Thanks to those who had nice things to say to my posts. The big takeaways for me were to try and stay in the present moment and use the acceptance and commitment therapy tricks. ''

They really helped. So thanks folks. I figure I have a few more years of this bullying unless a miracle happens. The past few weeks have been difficult, my chest is tight with pain most days. But I get through.

I have never let on what has happened. Basically some very nasty people created fake social media wrote things about on the internet in my name. When you search my name, the bad stuff comes up first. When employers search for me, the see the nasty things first - and of course they click on it, thus making it even more popular. Cyber bullies know how to manipulate the internet. Google's algorithm sees that people click on the nasty things and figure they are the most useful things to return in a search. Of course nobody clicks on the good stuff, otherwise it wouldn't be a problem.

Anyway, to anyone else going through this, stay in the moment and stay close to what really matters.

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi LesDave

Thankyou on behalf of the Community Champions here and members that have pitched in to help you. We dont often get such feedback but I can assure you it does elevate us.

Answering so many posts I cant recall your posts. Nevertheless if I have repeated the following threads I'm sorry.


Beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

Beyondblue topic Bullying

Beyondblue topic so what are their mental illnesses

Beyondblue topic he helped me for 25 years- Maharaji

All the best, glad to have you here.
