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Quit your Job due to Anxiety and Depression

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum but I have been a reader for a while now. I am currently working in a Government job making around 70k a year. I have suffer from social anxiety and depression due to my job. I feel like everything I do is judged and what my appearance is against people I work with.

I really want to quit my job to give me some time to heal and find a way to deal with my anxiety and depression but my family keeps saying how proud they are that I work for the Government and if I quit, I will disappoint them.

If you guys have any tips on what I can do or what may help me improve my current situation, please let me know.

Thank you for all you posts. Its very inspiring to know that others have been in my situation but have fought through.

18 Replies 18

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

Ok, there are many, say 50% of jobs out tgere that have a toxic environment. The people, the culture, the job. Eg food service or any job involving serving people is not suitable for those with mental illness.

I had similar pressure from my parents that I should remain in certain jobs. Frankly, they weren't working in them, didnt have my anxiety and depression and had a different make up. Such pressure is understandable but counter productive.

You are old enough to weigh up your own needs. Review your options carefully, perhaps try for a transfer, or career change.

I've always recommended to readers to seek 2 or 3 part time/casual jobs rather than one full time. Our mental health doesn't allow us to endure 37 hours with the same challenges for so long.

Good luck


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello ATHL

Thankyou for being with us on the forums!

I feel your pain as I did what I could to work (not fight) with anxiety/depression... depending on the degree of anxiety/depression you have been 'fighting'

TonyWK has made an excellent point (above) when he mentioned "Our mental health doesn't allow us to endure 37 hours with the same challenges for so long" When we are 'fighting' a set of symptoms for a long time it can have a detrimental affect on our health.....and may end up being a serious physiological problem

I didnt seek therapy with my anxiety/depression for over a decade and it only exacerbated....unfortunately

Can I ask you about your thoughts re counseling? My GP has been a legend and see him every 4 weeks for a 'fine tune' for the last 22 years during and after being in a senior corporate position

I really hope you can post back when its convenient for you ATHL 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi there,

Our mental health def has to be priority. I had to leave my job in June after being with a great work environment for over 3.5yrs as I started suffering anxiety issues. The thing is I worked in health industry helping people with all sorts of health etc including all mental health issues- now I am going through this myself. I stayed at my job for security as well as I loved helping people- but in the end my mental health suffered hugely and still face struggles with anxiety. I only started on meds yesterday and have had some side effects, I have also gone through counselling for last 3 mths which had been great, But at the end of the day u make the decision thats right for you. I have just been offered a job as a casual medical reception- which I start next week- very scared to have anxiety with my new job but you too will be ok too and take time off to look after yourself and things will work out for you!

Thanks TonyWK. Really helpful information. I know leaving my job will help my mental health but I don't want to disappoint my family which is the only reason I haven't left already. I have a mental health plan set up and will see a psychologist next week. I will see if she will be able to help me sort out my dilemma.

Thanks again.

Thanks Paul. I have an appointment next week with a psychologist. I'm going to see if she can help me out with my anxiety. I will report back after the session.

I can truly relate to your story. I just want to fit in with everybody else and just be normal nut I have to hide my struggles from everyone at work. I know lots of people probably have the same kind of issues but hide it well like me but reading these forum posts make me feel a lot better. Thanks for your input.


I agree that for some of us casual or part-time work fits our makeup better than full-time.

Depression is a big enough hurdle to navigate in the workplace. Combined with anxiety, your days must be utter hell.

Maybe being a public servant offers you more flexibility in terms of reducing hours, taking leave or transferring to another department?

Have you exhausted your leave entitlements? You may be able to get time off with a medical certificate.

Perhaps some rest leave and a transfer or reduced hours are worth exploring before quitting.

Wishing you strength and clarity.


Thanks heaps for taking the time to post back to everyone....(not that you have to of course)

I hope you have a good 1st appointment with your counselor!

Happy New Year and all the best for you in 2019

my kindest


Community Member

Thanks for taking the time to share. I also suffer from Depression and my last role was possibly one of my worst career choices possible, it was essentially data entry but I had to find the information (and it wasn't widely available) so technically there was no way to complete all the work. More pressure was on as the project got further in and in the end after months of anxiety I made a choice to leave the role.

I had several months without work but in the end it was the best thing I could do, the stress and relief of the role

My new position is fantastic and I have done even better than I did in the last role (more promotion opportunities).

You have definitely taken the first step in making a decision to change what you are not happy with. That is the hardest step in a lot of ways. Things will only get better from here.

Work is only one minor part to life, while necessary i'd always pick happiness over wealth as we can't buy happiness. That comes from other parts in life that are free 🙂