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Making Mistakes

Community Member
I'm in need of advice/help here. I started a job in whitegoods sales about three weeks ago. Long story short I made a couple of mistakes in one day which were delivery errors. Now I'm obsessing over my mistakes which is something I do all the time. Any advice on how to obsess less over mistakes and errors?
2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi x. Kt. x

We're often our own worst critics, hey?! I can be an absolute shocker at times when it comes to obsessing over mistakes yet the way I try to overcome them is by taking responsibility for them. I take it from 'I am someone who makes mistakes' to 'I am someone who takes responsibility for my mistakes'. It becomes a bit of a positive (yes, easier said than done). I find being self-critical is a defense mechanism for me; I'll criticise myself before anyone else gets the chance to. It's a terrible and destructive habit I am learning to overcome.

At the age of 48, I rejoined the workforce not too long ago, after being a stay-at-home mum for some years. It has been a daunting few months and I've made mistakes here and there at work, which I've ceased beating myself up over. I finally reached the conclusion - I didn't enter that new environment as a master, I entered it as a student of sorts. Those who are learning make mistakes on their way to mastery. For now x. Kt. x, we must accept ourselves as students and be gentle on ourselves in the process.

Take care of yourself and I wish you great success on your path to mastery

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Kt,

Welcome to the forum.

Letting go of mistakes is so hard when you have anxiety. It's easy to start doubting yourself and obsessing. When I find myself thinking about some mistake (or embarrassing moment) over and over again I try some mindfulness exercises - you can download free apps which will talk you through this (I like Smiling Mind).

I have also found that I work better when I write a list of things I need to do or double check. Then I can tick or cross each item off as I go and know it's done correctly.

Be sure you are being kind to yourself too. Remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and no one is perfect.

Stay well,
