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Looking for people who understand

Community Member

Hey all.. I never thought I'd be looking for help on an online forum but hey, here I am.. over the last year or so I've developed pretty intense anxiety. I can't pin point exactly where or why it started, but I did have a few significant events happen which I'm thinking helped in the process. I freak out at things that "normal" people wouldn't give two thoughts about, I can find the flaw in everything and relate it back to myself, I make clinusions that bad things that happen or negative situations are a result of something that I've done and I absolutely cannot stand being alone. I feel like my mind is so cluttered but I don't even know what it is I think about, I feel trapped in my own head. ive seen my doctor and he's put me on mdiecation but I'm just struggling to find someone to talk to that understands. My partner tries but it frustrates him because he doesn't know what it's like.

Does anyone else feel this way?

6 Replies 6

Community Member

Hi Pebbles08,

Firstly, welcome to the site. I'm sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time with your anxiety, it is hard to deal with. Its great that you've seen your doctor and it sounds like he's getting you on the right path. Has he recommended anything else that may help?

I do tend to worry a lot about this and that happening, its common with anxiety; however I have found that talking to a counsellor to be really beneficial. My family don't understand my situation either. Depending on where you are there are also support groups out there that are really understanding.


Community Member

Hi Pebbles,

I am feeling much like this at the moment - the feeling of being "trapped inside" one's head. Almost as though you have a multitude of thoughts swirling around no external stimulus can make you feel better - no matter how wonderful, bright or sunny it is.

I must admit, I don't feel like this all the time, and if you have had stressful events, it sounds like they are the cause of all of this.

Be kind to yourself, allow yourself breathing room and perform tasks and activities which bring you joy - even if they don't seem to be particularly helpful in that moment. It's amazing what a massage or facial can do to help start the recovery process.

Have you been to speak to someone?

Community Member

Hi Pebbles,

I can definitely emphasise with your situation. I myself am suffering terrible anxiety at the moment - particularly work related and feel an impending dread.

I think as mentioned, speaking about it with a counsellor is a good option -especially if your partner doesn't get it. Perhaps educating him so he understands?

Community Member
my goodness, i get this. I have had anxiety for years and more recently depression. I over think things, if someone makes a comment I wonder if they are aiming it at me. I wake up anxious when I am in the thick of an episode. My husband after all these years still doesnt understand but his thing is to carry on as normal and be a bit tough...ie come on lets go for a walk, go to the gym, have you eaten properly, you need to eat etc etc. Funnily enough I totally appreciate this because I know he is doing his best and he is always right in this. When my life is on track I go to the gym, we walk every day and we eat well...when I start steering from this i find within a space of time I am experiencing anxiety. I hate being alone...hate it...and my husband works shift work and long hours so its a nightmare, however I will sometimes then invite one of the kids into dads side of the bed so I have someone next to me. It makes me feel so bloody weak as a human that I freak out like that some times but I do totally understand. I too feel trapped in my anxiety when I am like this. I see a psychologist and counsellor when i need and next week I am doing some hypnotherapy to learn to relax...that should be interesting. Just know you are not alone.

Community Member

Hi Pebbles08, well done on having the courage to post. I am new too.

I can understand what you are saying. Sometimes when I speak to others, I worry about what I said and that I might have upset or offended someone. This can haunt me in the night. Some mornings I wake up and dread the long day ahead in which I will spend battling with my thoughts.

With kind regards, HR.

Community Member
Hi pebbles..you are not alone at all.i understand completely what you are going through. I hate being alone and i have also been put onto medication. How long have you been on the meds for? Do you find they are helping?