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Just wanting some advice...

Community Member

Hi all, just wanting some advice.

I want to start by saying I have never been to a Psychologist or a Doctor about my mental health however I feel after the past 7 months it may be time to.

Over the past 7 months I have been feeling so clouded in the head and like my brain never turns off. My biggest issue at the moment is that whenever my other half goes away I get lots of moments of anxiety from being away from him to a point where I struggle to sleep and I wake up with a nervous feeling in my tummy for no reason. I lock my bedroom door if he isnt there and will check its locked multiple times before I am happpy it is. I do get this way sometimes when he is home as well, I just get over whelmed and break down into tears or just go quiet and wont talk.

I am an overthinker and have been my whole life however I am worried this is crossing more to anxiety and OCD now. I study and work full time and I have moments where I will break down in tears as I am scared I wont pass or wont get a job in my preferred career however I know I am perfectly capable of passing and achieving my dreams.

I also experience moments of anger and outrage when I am in a social setting without someone close to me where I just get tense and assume everyone is judging or looking at me. This has gotton to a point where I have almost said things to others that could land me in trouble.

Through some self googling I believe I also might suffer from OCD. For example I HAVE to take photos of my oven or hair straightner before I leave for work or I will spiral into thinking the house will burn down and then my partner will leave me. If I dont have this photo I will turn back from my way to work or go home to check. I have also been having some in intrusive thoughts about my sexuality which is causing me anxiety as I identify as straight and have never questioned this before but watching a movie a couple of months ago made me just think 'what if I am?' And my brain has never let go since. I do enjoy a healthy emotional and sexual relationship with my male partner and want to continue this forever.

I guess what I am seeking is if anyone has experienced these feelings before and has found actually seeing a Psychologist has helped? I am sick of constantly feeling mentally exhausted and I want to be my confident and self-loving self again. Any advice would be appreciated.

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Sorry I probably should add that I also tend to think about something and worry long after the event has happened. For example, if a friend makes a quip at me or I do or say something embarrassing I replay that moment for a while after it has happened and the other person would have long forgotton - all I do is worry about what I did or said and if those people judged me or meant it.

I have also began to notice that sometimes when I get particularly over whelmed and anxious I can get physical cramps in my stomach.

Sorry I couldnt fit that in my previous post.

Hi Birdy05

I understand you about the physical symptoms of anxiety. The state of fear (anxiety) can bring us pain especially in our digestive system as it the most sympathetic to anxiety issues

The anger is also a part of untreated anxiety issues as we are usually so over reactive anger can be the only way to express our feelings instead of dealing with them rationally.

I also used to overthink as well.......all the time and it doesnt help us. It does take a counselor or even a good GP to change this negative self talk (thinking)

Just a note if I may about Dr Google.....Please avoid it as there are way too many 'experts' about what we are suffering from it can exacerbate our symptoms without a face to face diagnosis

Beyond Blue have the K10 Anxiety and Depression Checklist...The copy & past link is highlighted below for you


Just my humble opinion Birdy05....I wouldnt pay too much attention to Dr Google or OCD until you take the time to see a counselor...or your GP 🙂

It does take a lot of time....determination and patience to recover from these awful feelings.

You are amazing to have posted as it takes a lot of courage to do so Birdy05. The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post 🙂

I really hope you can stick around....Any questions/comments are more than welcome

my kind thoughts


Community Member

Hi Paul,

I didnt even think about seeing a Psychologist or GP for my overthinking. I honestly thought I would have been laughed out of the office if I went in for overthinking. I think it might be time however as it might be the basis to my recent feelings.

I am so lucky that my partner is so good about it and supports me through anything but sometimes lately he just cant consol me.

Thank you for your response, it has prompted me to really take that next step and seek some help. 🙂

Hi Birdy

Thanks for the kind post! You are fortunate that your partner is a supportive person. Thats a huge bonus. Sometimes we can go through life mentally exhausted due to a racing/overthinking mind

The problem with having a 'tired mind' is it can also leave our immune system weakened as well not to mention not functioning at our true potential and enjoying life too

I hope you can let us know how you go. Great to have you as part of the forum family Birdy 🙂

my kind thoughts
