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Job Anxiety

Community Member

Hi there,

I thought I’d post about my own experience with mental health (depression and anxiety) as I’ve found a lot of posts similar to my experience.

I’ve experienced feelings of depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember. Anxiety more so. Earlier this year I saw a GP and was referred to a therapist, who I I did a few sessions with but unfortunately had to stop due to the increasing cost. However the whole experience of getting help and talking with someone helped a great deal.I still experience strong feelings of anxiety and often times depression. I’m a personal trainer and I find my job, workplace and helping other people helps me a lot. However over the years and recently I’ve taken bar jobs here and there, sometimes long term and sometimes just to get a bit of cash together. However I find my anxiety and sometimes my depression skyrockets when I’m back in that environment. Most often the people, patrons, odd hours and just the general negative environment finds me looking for any way out and generally leaves me feeling pretty negative before and during a shift. I’ll spend most of the week leading up to a shift miserable and anxious.

I also have a bad habit of bailing on these jobs, not showing up to shifts, leaving without notice etc. which makes me feel terribly guilty but I feel the environment is not conducive for my mental health and only makes my anxiety worse. I’ve found this as rarely, if ever, do I experience these feelings with my personal trainer job.

I was just wondering if any one had experienced similar, particularly in the hospo industry. I constantly feel guilty for leaving these jobs at a moments notice but feel as though it’s best for my mental health.

thanks 🙂

4 Replies 4

Community Member
Hi Jack, I can completely relate to you. I have a small business with 10 employees who rely on me to make their living and a line of customers and people that I often don't want to engage with due to my severe anxiety. I'm often torn between doing what's best for my mental health and having to carry out my responsibilities to everyone. I've worked myself into a corner now I'm not sure what to do

Community Member

Hi Jack

first off- good on you for having a job and being able to find employment!

Im in a similar situation right now myself. Left a job I was very comfortable in and landed a new job for myself. I’ve only worked it for a few days but already my mental health is declining.

A huge part of me wants to leave so I can look after myself.

How have you found explaining or getting new employment after leaving at short notice?

I think the thing to weigh up here is: how long do you stay at a job in the hope it may get better even though it’s impcting your mental state. What’s more important to you? The job or mental health?

i would love to hear how you’re getting on Jack



Hi Bella,

Thanks for the reply. I find getting a different job pretty easy. It’s hospitality/ bar work so there is a huge turnover anyway and most people just stick around to get some extra cash. Which is what I’m doing but even having to do one shift for a few hours sets me off.

i agree with you and think your mental health is much more important than any job. I find with my job as a Personal Trainer I really never experience these feelings. Only very rarely. I’ve been training clients for over a year now and it’s a very positive and supportive environment so I think it’s just a case of finding a workplace or industry that is beneficial to you and will not hinder your mental health.

I think bailing on so many bar jobs over the years makes me feel guilty and worthless and it triggers a spiral. But I think I’m starting to realise that it may be that environment and the people in it that’s the problem.

Community Member


thanks for the reply. I find a similar thing with my personal training business. Although my anxiety is never as severe when I’m working in my business as it is when I step into a bar job.

I think if you’re in an environment where you can it would be best to speak to the people that work with you and let them know what’s going on. Or even open up to friends and family that may be offer support.

Are you able to take time off away from your work for a while to kind of unwind for a bit?