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Its back. Why?

Community Member

I was doing so well over the last couple of months. Felt like I was completely over the anxiety until now.I know my eating habits haven't been great lately and was consuming high volumes of sugar for some reason but I feel my anxiety is spiralling back and I dont know why?

Surely the medication isn't wearing off, I've only been on them for a few months??

This is day 3 and woke up being anxious again.Just need reassurance that I will feel better again and this is a little setback

12 Replies 12

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Lind779

How long have you had anxiety since it first started? It can flare up again..My first mega attack was in 1983 and it can take a long time to manage.

Smart of you to be on the meds..they will work.The anxiety can be a pain Lind, it can also return as you know even by worrying about it. (the fear cycle) or be triggered by stressful events.To have a couple of months where you have done well is a bonus though:-)

If you can let me know how long you have had the anxiety I may be able to help some more.

My kind wishes


Community Member

Good morning 😊

I had really bad anxiety 3 years ago. Went through hell for months but came out the othe side.

6 weeks ago I moved all was good for weeks then bang it has hit me again. Been battling for 2 weeks but I keep telling myself that I got through once I can do it again.

Just take one day at a time and remember to breathe. I keep taking my meds and doing everything normal like working etc

Have faith that this is just a small set back.


Community Member

Hi Paul,

Its all quite new compared to others. It was triggered by a traumatic experience with some operations in January and now developed health anxiety.

I wasn't diagnosed until 3 months ago. So I went through 4 months of hell before they started me on medication.

I have been on medication for 3 months and was feeling great for the last couple of months until now. I know I will feel better again, its just a setback and probably from the unhealthy eating??

Thanks Mel 😊 You're right, I will feel better again and just need to take one day at a time.

Im sorry to hear you're not feeling great either. Its very frustrating when you are feeling great and then out of the blue it raises its ugly head 😔

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Lind,

You will be okay. This is just a icky moment in time and soon will only be a memory. Slow deep breathes you can do it.


Hi Lind

The food is a help but the frequency of treatment especially in these early stages of anxiety is crucial. After my first mega attack I saw a mental health nurse through the council every week for 6 months (fortnightly is cool too) as well as my crackerjack GP.

Anxiety can hang around, go away and come back so if you are prepared and resign yourself to it coming back it wont have the severity. It does lessen over time when we learn how to 'accept' anxiety as only feelings..It takes time to practice but can be done.

One of the best references is 'Self Help for your Nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes....A huge best seller thats been out for years and will help you really understand anxiety. It also teaches how to find anxiety 'boring' Its a small paperback (download) written in plain english without any jargon.

you are definitely not alone Lind.

great to see your input on the forums too 🙂

My Best


Community Member
Hi Lind. I had my first ever anxiety attacks last year I'm 54 have no idea why now. Menopause? ? Did lose 2 family members and my dog all in 5 months? ? But it went away, nothing! ! for 6 months, I was on annual leave holidays having a great time then boom it hit me. I am now having days of nervousness, have to sleep with the light on, meditation music on and guided meditations to stop my mind thinking crazy thoughts. I don't understand why it comes when I m most relaxed? ??

Community Member

Hi Lind,

If I could just second Paul's recommendation of the Claire Weekes book. I've suffered anxiety on and off for over 20 years and it is still my go to book when nothing else is working. I'm on my second copy, having literally worn the first one out. It's written in easy to understand terms and basically helps to de-mystify anxiety, it's causes and symptoms and teaches you how to take back control and live life on your terms. I cannot recommend it to you highly enough. Dr Weekes was a pioneer of anxiety treatment and ahead of her time in my opinion.

All the best.


Community Member

Hi Paul,

Thank you so much. I will check the book out as I don't think Im treating the underlining issue, just masking it with medication.