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Is it normal

Community Member
Hi all I'm new on here just wondering what every1 feels when there anxious? Have feelings of fluttering in my chest heart palps does any1 feel like their fading away from their body? Gets tunnel visions like it falling from ur body in ur head gets black n white I've been put on medication have 3 kids I don't no if this is normal feel scared everyday waiting for another full panic attack help me please?
5 Replies 5

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Anxious2019~

Welcome here to the Forum, where I think you will find there are many people who have had similar symptoms, myself included.

I know I have had similar to you, the pounding chest, shortness of breath, things fading or seeming at a distance, inability to talk, tingling fingers and more. Not identical perhaps, but everyone reacts is a slightly different way.

I thought I was going to die the first time.

As the base cause of my anxiety was improved the attacks got less and now I hardly ever get one and the fear I'll have one in public or some realy bad time has gone.

I'd suggest having a look at two sets information that Beyond Blue provides:

The first is on panic attacks, and the second on anxiety.


Trying to deal with all this on your own -particularly as a mum of three, is very hard. Do you have someone to support you, that can relieve the pressure of the kids, or even just talk and care? It certainly helps if there is someone.

Your other support, your doctor, have you been back and explained what is happening? It may be your treatment needs modifying.

I used the breathing technique to get over the actual attack, though nowadays that's considered not as good as it was, however it worked for me. The concentration, plus the fact I know I'd come though it before all helped a lot - as did being stubborn and trying to keep doing what I was doing the moment before even if just sweeping the floor, they all helped.

I've just covered a few things, feel free to ask whatever you like. Just post to talk if you want, that can help too.


Community Member

Hi Anxious2019,

Just chiming in to say that some of the things you list as feeling I also experience. I know the tunnel vision and the sense of 'falling'. I also experience a hyperawareness of my surroundings where I'm convinced that even though I'm listening for dear life I am missing the point and that their is a whole other chunk of information that's important but beyond me.

The main thing I want to say is that these things are very unpleasant; they suck, and it is somewhat baffling as to why we all of a sudden have to deal with these new challenges. We're with you on that front, and here to sit with you whilst you navigate through the mess and mist of anxiety. Have been there, still go there, and to some degree find myself there right now.

Keep talking. This is a place where you can speak freely and know that you're not alone in your experience. Their are many others who are further on up the road in regard to their experience and navigation of this path we find ourselves on.

Thanks 4 ur reply it means spot yes I've been up to ed and docs so many times trying a holter monitor in a couple of weeks just to rule my heart out and start counseling 2moro always alone no1 to talk to so I'm glad I've found this forum 💕

Thank u 4 ur support 💕 means alot when u no ur not the only 1 going thru this horrible mess

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Anxious2019~

Ruling out physical causes of ailments is tedious but necessary. I'm glad you are getting that heart testing monitor. Quite frankly it took me a while to accept all negative tests were in fact correct, and not just some mix-up

However having accepted that it became easier to concentrate on dealing with the anxiety. Panic attacks and always being on edge are great motivators. I guess by now you will have met your counselor, I really hope you 'clicked' together and it will be of great help. Can you say how it went?

I'll also mention that it is a two way process, and if you find you are not benefiting as you should then as a first step talk over that fact with the counselor or GP. It has to work.

As Here I Am says, you can talk freely here and be understood.
