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Is anxiety and stress something that can be diagnosed

Community Member

I have posted a few times about my health issues which have not changed

i am now 65 and had the same problems on a regular basis for the past 4 years. I always think I am having a heart attack everytime I get palpitations or chest pain, so I usually end up going to Hospital usually in the middle of the night. I have had every heart test and seen cardiologist I think they think it's all in my mind as nothing shows up.

i was there last week as I has a few palpitations they did all the tests nothing. I was really upset this time so was getting more and more agitated and crying. Nurse said I was stressed and calm down which made me worse.

went back to GP says nothing wrong with heart, blood tests all good nothing physical wrong and to stop worrying - easier said than done.

read a few things on beyond blue about stress and anxiety. For me it's like a vicious circle - go to bed can't sleep so get stressed then get chest pain so even more stressed, get more tests nothing wrong back to square one.

have written down how I feel and symptoms and off to GP in 2 days - what can he do for me if I am not ill physically

5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello contrarymary

Thankyou for being a part of the forum family! I understand the anguish you are going through with anxiety...This can be a horrible place to be in. I used to have chronic anxiety followed by depression for a long time....since the early 80's (diagnosed and take meds)

To answer your question..anxiety can be diagnosed for sure Contrarymary...You have seen your doctor re the palpitations and good on you for everything coming up clear!

The palpitations are very common with stress/anxiety as our adrenaline is working overtime and can cause these horrible yet harmless symptoms

If our stress/anxiety symptoms start to have a negative effect on our daily well being it can be an indicator that we may require some time with our doctor on a regular basis...so we can find some peace of mind

any questions are always welcome contrarymary! The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post. There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you 🙂

my kind thoughts


Community Member


I saw my GP yesterday with my list of symptoms and feelings etc. Included info from ED where I had gone 2 nights before as had chest pain and could not stop crying. ED doctor says ask for mental health appointment. They also did a raft of tests on heart nothing wrong

Spoke to GP he does not see a problem no health reason for stress/anxiety won't refer me to anyone. I think he thinks it's all in my mind as I only get chest pains when upset.

I have been seeing this GP for a few years my previous one left the practice. The surgery does not allow apps with other practice GP unless your regular one is away.

Do you think it's time to find another GP

Community Member

Update and good news.

i was able to see another GP at the practice as my regular one was away. He listened to all my concerns about my anxiety and the times it comes and goes.

good news is he referred me to a psychologist under a mental health plan and I did not waste anytime making an appointment. They listened to my concerns especially to my anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Gave me a fee ideas for working through when I get anxious and start pacing the floor.

i think this might be a turning point for me.


I'm glad you were able to see another doctor and get a mental health care plan! Your previous doctor should have done that.

Seeing a psychologist is a great help. I've been seeing one for about 5 months now and I feel like ive made positive steps forward with my depression/anxiety and ocd.

take care!

Hi Contrarymary

There is nothing better than good news

As Gambit mentioned above its great that you have seen another doctor that understands your situation

You have done really well and good on you 🙂

my kind thoughts
