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I need help with soical anxiety please

Community Member
I am really afraid of anything soical like large crowds, school, family gatherings etc. I hate talking to anyone and can’t be my true self around anyone. I feel really sick in soical situations. I know people won’t always be judging me but I feel like they are. I don’t dress how I want because I fear being judged and made fun of. Please so advice please. Thanks.
6 Replies 6

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Zxllakami

Welcome to the forums and good on you for having the courage to post as well!

I understand the social anxiety you are going through as I have also had it too and its a horrible place to be in

The forums are a non judgemental place to for you to post Zxllakami. Can I ask if you have seen your GP about how you feel? It is more common than you think. Many people have difficulty with the same symptoms

I really feel for what you are going through. Do you get the anxiety attacks as well?

you are not alone

my kind thoughts for you Zxllakami


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Zxllakami

Welcome to the forum family! The forums are a safe, non judgemental place for you to find support, advice, and make connections with people going through similar things to you.

I'm Chloe, and I have social anxiety disorder (as well as some others). I can't deal with crowds, public speaking, talking in front of even small groups of people, eating in front of people, just doing things in general that would make someone judge me. I have an intense fear of being judged by others around me. I also have other problems to do with my generalised anxiety disorder and depression but I won't go into that.

Like what Paul said, can you talk to your GP? Also, not sure of your age but yiu mentioned school, am guessing you're a teenager? I'm 14 haha. Maybe also a school counsellor if you have one. It took me a while to finally draw to my parents attention that things weren't how they should be. I now see a psychologist fortnightly and am undergoing CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). That may be the direction that is best for you, so I suggest starting that conversation, bring up the subject with your parents. It will be hard but it gets easier. You just have to take that first leap.

I get panic attack is as well as Paul. Do you sweat more than normal, shake, hyperventilate etc when in public places of in front of lots of people. I do. Just wondering haha

i hope you have a good nights sleep and that you see these posts soon

Chloe 🙂

Hey Paul I see a therapist atm but for anxiety and OCD not soical anxiety but I might bring it up next time I see him. Thanks for the advice guys.

Hey Chloe thanks for your advice. Right now I am seeing a therapist but not for this I might bring it up next session. And yeah I still in school I am 16 but I would rather not to talk to school counseller as I am afraid my friends will wonder we’re i go and I am scared what they will think. And yes I do have panic attacks and sweat. I also feel unwell when I am in soical situations. Thank you guys for the advice I appreciate it.

Community Member


Firstly it is really good that you are reaching out and getting the help you need.

I have suffered from anxiety and depression for years while over the last 8-9 months has been really great and my quality of life from then and now is "chalk and cheese".

My condition started improving when I saw a psychiatrist who I instantly clicked with and my advice is find a health professional who has been through what you and millions of other people are going through.

My advice:

  1. I find that having a health professional who was able to relate with my experience and journey was pivotal.
  2. Find someone who you are comfortable telling everything too and be brutally honest.
  3. Time - time is a big thing. It took me 5-6 years before I was ready to change. It took me years to build up the self-determination and will to attempt to change so it seems like your on a good path.
  4. Find like minded people. People on here are great! They are supportive and often are able to relate to your situation.
  5. I really believe that exposure therapy is a great tool. I used to be very similar to you in the sense that I was scared of being judged etc.

Just know your not alone and it will get better my friend.

If your lonely and feel the need to chat, hit me up on this site or create another post.

All the best mate.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor


Thats good Zxllakami! Maybe next time you see them mention the social anxiety thing.

Also baet123, great advice and all of it true. I understand where you are coming from.

Zxllakami like baet123 said, if you're lonely or need to talk, just say something here- I check the forums daily, twice daily if i can.

🙂 Chloe