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I’m terrified that I have MS

that guy
Community Member

Hello Everyone

i have health anxiety and I’m currently going through my worst attack right now. It all started about a month ago, when my muscles started twitching and pain that felt like someone was poking me with a needle. My arms and legs were also feeling like they were tired. These symptoms would come and go, and wouldn’t last too long. After a blood test about 2 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Glandular fever, which made me feel better that it wasn’t serious, and the symptoms died down.

However on Wednesday the symptoms came back, and now I’m also light headed, with some headaches and even my eyes have been hurting, along with itching all over my body, these symptoms are usually worse in the morning. my brain has gone from Calm, to full on anxiety mode. And of course I looked on google to try and get some reassurance, and it told me that I had MS. I’ve seen how MS can affect people, and I’m terrified now.

I don’t know if it’s worth going back to my doctor as I think she may say it’s just the glandular fever, but honestly I don’t know what to do, my Parents are dismissive, I don’t see my psychologist for another month and a half and I gotta go to work today. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

sorry for the rant, but thanks for reading aswell

48 Replies 48

Count on it! I'll defiantly let you know

that guy
Community Member
Ugh that's horrible, this is really the first time I've ever gotten symptoms like these so of course this is really scary for me, I can't imagine having these symptoms for years, I admire you for that.
Yeah that's the thing for me, these symptoms come and go and only last a second or two, but it just feels so real! I actually had some chest pain today, which I know is from all the worrying!
Health Anxiety just sucks sometimes!

Well my Doc immediately ordered another blood test. this time checking for deficiencies and thyroid,other virus and stuff (She ordered a lot) but at this point, she doesn't think its Neurological, but honestly I don't think i'll be able to relax until I get an answer

Hi that guy,

I appreciate you checking in as I was wondering how you were getting on with your GP.

Seems like she is being very thorough in all those blood tests. Honestly I am glad that she is, because it means that with the diagnosis of health anxiety, everything else has already been ruled out (which kind of saves repeat doctor trips!). I do get though that you can't relax yet.

When is your next appointment?


Yeah, like I said she is very aware of my anxiety, Now I just gotta wait for my blood test results, hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later. If there;s something with the blood tests, she'll give me a call to come in like last time

I feel like I'm at a stalemate atm, On one hand if the blood test doesn't come up with anything, then what am I going to do? And on the other hand, if there is something then how bad is it going to be? ugh, just thinking about it is giving me a headache!

Community Member

Hi That guy,

Well so far in a year, I've had a brain tumor, melanoma under a toenail, MS, CFS, Eye cancer and various other things too numerous to mention....all because I consulted Dr. Google! Big mistake. I even convinced my dr to send me for a CT brain scan last year, and guess what? No brain tumor! Nor any of the other things either.

Hang in there! You are not alone. Health Anxiety is the PITS. You worry about every little sign or symptom and it's always nothing. My family think I'm hysterical as every time I get anything I think I'm dying. I've started to just say now...so what....what if I am dying? Something's got to get me in the end!

Anxiety can also give you like 101 symptoms that appear like they're something else. Like the heart palpitations. I had a stress test....perfect results....ECG...perfect again. So it's gotta be anxiety.

Do you worry about a serious illness, then you find out you DON'T have it, so you just start worrying about another serious illness instead? That's what I do. One worry just replaces the other.

I hope all your tests come back fine..I'm sure they will.

Good luck. Start laughing at yourself. Sometimes it's the only way to get through.

Hi that guy,

That's great to hear, hopefully your next appointment is soon so you can find out for sure.

If it doesn't come up with something and your GP lets you know that this is just anxiety, do you think that this will be something you can accept? It might sound like a silly question, but often the diagnosis of anxiety doesn't fit well with them, so they'll work to find other answers that will (even if they are none out there!).

If it does come back with something, well - I'm guessing that's pretty unlikely - that's unfortunate. But you will cope. You have your GP who sounds like she is very supportive, and with her you'll find a way through this.

I know that it's really hard to be waiting in that loop, but see if you can try and trust in your GP to give you the answers and show you the best way forward.


that guy
Community Member
Hi Cat67, thanks for commenting

I know the feeling, somehow we know that google is always going to give us the worst possible answer when we search, but yet we still do it, some of my favorite results based on symptoms I had in the past were Brain Tumor, Colon cancer and a heart attack!

I got a text about discussing blood test results today, so I've booked an app for Tuesday morning, part of me is hoping that nothing is wrong, but the other half is hoping that there is so I can figure out whats wrong and get it treated. I don't think I'll be able to fully relax until I know exactly what is going on!

Hi again RT

Got a text from my doctor about discussing blood test results, so app is booked in for Tuesday. I guess its not so serious because people have told me if it were, they would've gotten me in ASAP.

Tbh I do not know how i'll react if my doc tells me if its anxiety, especially since these symptoms have been scaring me a lot. But the good news is that some of them seem to be dying down a bit, I dunno if they'll keep on going away, but at least I have been able to get past these last couple of days without much issues. I guess i'll go to my app on Tuesday and see how things go from there.

Community Member
I'm getting like a sharp pin feeling for a second in my feet. Weird type of tickling and tingling that comes and goes moves around between the feet, toes. Crawling, tickling below my wrists on the flexor. I had a itch below my wrist every morning for 2 months, that went away. These symptoms have lasted a month. It's worse when I'm in the car. I had all bloods done, it has nothing to do with bloods though, it's all clear. I did the google thing and it told me ms also. I also have heard that anxiety can cause this. Ive had to wait 3 weeks for mri results of brain and spine. I'll know in a few days. The results are in but I'm too scared to look at them, I rather the neuro does and interprets them as I don't want to interpret them wrong and send myself insane. these are sensory issues but anxiety can cause strange strange sensations which I've dealt with before in my mouth.