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I just don't know

Community Member

My panic attacks are getting more and more frequent, this is the third one I'v had today. I'm not eating or sleeping and I'm constantly worried about all the things I have to do and pay for and get done so I don't disappoint people. I just don't know what to do.

I took myself to the doctor a few weeks ago and they started me on B12 injections to get my levels up but it's not helping. It seems like there is this dark cloud over everything I do and my thoughts are becoming darker and I just can't help it. I was suppose to start seeing a pyscologist today but she called in sick and that threw me into another full blown panic attack. I was worried enough as it is about the appointment.

I just don't know what to do, I have to go back to Uni in a couple weeks and I don't want to be feeling this terrible.

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hiya and welcome to beyondblue.

panic attacks are often very closely related to Generalised anxiety, which certainly fit with the synptoms you have described.

while B12 and other B vitamins have been linked to mood, it is very unlikely that low B12 is the cause of this. Usislly it's a combination of chemical imbalances in the brain, lifestyle factors, current stress and/ or past trauma or severe stress, and unhelpful coping skills.


because there is usually a number of causes, often there needs to be several parts to the right treatment- and for each of us we need different things,

So therapy is definitely one part. I'm sorry your therapist had called in sick- hopefully she/ he can reschedule you very soon. In the meantime you can call Beyondblue- they have trained counsellors on the phone who can give you some help.

if your counsellor seems very hard to get an appointment with or you can't see them as often as you want, try finding another. It is a very good idea to see your therapist at least weekly while you are in such an acute phase. As you recover, you can see them less and less until you feel you don't need them regularly.

Its also a good idea to see your doctor regularly also.

another very helpful thing is medication. There are all kinds of medications- from ones you take every day to help with General mood and anxiety, to ones you only take when you are feeling a panic attack coming on. And there are many different kinds. So if one doesn't work there are plenty of others.

there is a lot of hope ok? I used to have very severe anxiety, deoression and panic attacks- so bad at one point I couldn't even do the grocery shopping and Id have 5-6 panic attacks a day on top of a constant high level of anxiety.

within weeks of going onto a medication and starting therapy I was seeing a big improvement, and even 6 months after I was a LOT better. Now, a couple of years later I have no more anxiety than any other person. I feel very calm and happy, able to cope with all sorts of stressful things without feeling anxious. Even when very stressed, I still cope and feel quite fine.


Consider asking your doctor about medication, and make sure you can see your therapist weekly- or get a new one