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I get anxious just for reading aloud

Community Member

I get nervous reading aloud in front of a class but not in front of friends or a tiny group. It is the worst feeling, I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, I get sweaty palms, my hands shake, I get out of breath and my voice cracks. This happens even if I’m just reading devotion (in the morning at school in home group), I even try to be late to the first lesson just so I don’t have to read. I used to be a confident reader but now I’m stumbling on easy words. It seems like such a dumb thing to be worried about everyday and I feel like I overthink about what people think of me even though they probably don’t even give a shit. I don’t know if it’s stage fright, or if it’s certain people in the room. I am good at doing orals where I don’t read

can someone please give me advice even just a little because this is all I can think about and tomorrow I have school which I have a feeling that it’s my turn to read devotion.


3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Anonymous1507~

I remember having something similar, I could not read in front of the class standing up - this was at school and I was supposed to read passages and then my translation. I could read normal books on a desktop sitting down reasonably well. I thought it was me, it turned out as I got to around 15 my eyes started to get astigmatism. I was lucky and a routine test highlighted this and after I got glasses the world was pretty different. So stage one ensure there is nothing physically wrong, or any other reading impediment.

You did say that it might be due to members of the audience, may are ask if you meant anything in particular? Worrying about impressing someone, or the opposite, being apprehensive of an unkind reaction can make a big difference.

Still assuming there is no reason you can put your finger on then I guess the tried and true method is simply practice. Taking a similar text (printing it out to a comfortable size if that's practical) and talking in front of a mirror by yourself till you have it down pat. Then doing the same in front of a friend. Takes time but you end up giving good performances (you still worry a bit before hand but have a feeling you will get through.)

No more panic attacks at least.

What do you think?


Hi Croix-

Thank you for replying, your information has been very helpful.

I think that I’m definitely overthinking about what people actually think. I mean when someone else is reading devotion I know I don’t pay attention to a word.

its funny because I used to love reading aloud in class or at least didn’t mind it when I was younger but it’s strange how things can change as you get older.

the other day I thought I had a breakthrough when in English we were assigned a task to do just a mini presentation. I read my slide aloud and for about 3/4 of it I read it perfectly but then thoughts started going through my mind about people judging and it really threw me off. But even for just that little bit I was proud and I’m sad that I let negative thoughts ruin it.

ill definitely try your advice

thanks so much.

Hello Anonymous1507,

Just thought I'd poke my head in and give you a congratulations for reading your slide presentation 🙂
