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I feel like something is always wrong

Community Member


ive never done one of these so I’ll just jump right into it.

recently I went to the emergency room with fast heart rate of 150, hot flushes, dizziness and shortness of breath. I’ve had blood tests and a full CBC and a chest X-ray, all which came back normal, so it was put down to anxiety.

Since I have been anxious that they were wrong as symptoms are still appearing. I have recently noticed I am very nauseas, have a cough and still feel dizzy every now and then. I also wake up in the morning with an extremely fast heart rate. I know that tests have been done by many doctors and are normal but I still worry something is wrong.
I have trouble sleeping at night worrying that I won’t wake up in the morning and worry during the day that I will end up in hospital again.

6 Replies 6

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi there and welcome to the forums 🙂

Health anxiety is quite common, and the list of ways that anxiety itself manifests in the body is very lengthy. I can't say that nothing is wrong, and you're just experiencing anxiety, but I can say that to still feel anxious despite being given the all clear, is not uncommon. This can be really challenging. I used to experience health anxiety but don't any more. It's very much mind over matter, and you could seek the help of a mental health professional to assist with that, if you feel it would be of benefit. I found myself being hyper alert, or tuning into, every little feeling in my body and trying to examine them, and thinking the worst. Can you relate to that? I found that meditation and mindfulness, and breathing exercises helped to calm my mind and draw my focus into the present.

I'm not sure that's helpful at all to you, but I'm happy to chat more if you like. Many people have experienced what you're experiencing, and may also chime in.

Kind thoughts, Katy

Hi Harriett,

Absolutely agree with what Katy has written here. I still go through the health anxiety too - for me I have an eating disorder and so get physical symptoms from this, BUT then also the anxiety/panic type symptoms too...so it gets very confusing and distressing. Then this distress only causes more anxiety/panic and it is a vicious cycle really.

It is good you have gotten things investigated. I suggest keeping on top of the physical checks with a GP and as Katy said doing some mind over matter things. I find telling myself it is just anxiety, you have felt like this before and been okay/survived is a good help to reassure myself and slightly calm my mind - even if just a fraction - it can help the anxiety/panic from spiraling. Also, take a look at the 2 threads on symptoms of anxiety ppl have responded to and I am sure you will see lots of common ground and that there are many of us with similar symptoms.

Best wishes 🙂

Community Member
Thank you all for helping.
I have also been having recent physical symptoms. I have noticed that I have had some rib pain. It started on the left side but I can now feel it on the right. I have had a chest X-ray when I was in hospital and I know something would have showed up. But I am still feeling these symptoms. Can anxiety cause physical symptoms like this?

Hi HarriettG

No-one here can definitively tell you that nothing is wrong, unfortunately. But if you have a look at this thread here, you will see from the volume of posts just how many varying symptoms there are:


Take care. Katy

Community Member


I am also having other symptoms now such as waking up in the morning with a high heart rate. I have also been nauseas for a few days now and cannot seem to get out of it

Hi there

I can imagine that you're worried. It's difficult. I can only suggest you go back to your GP if you're concerned, as no-one here is qualified to diagnose you. Anxiety does manifest in many ways, but only a medical expert can speak to what's going on for you.

Take care, Katy