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I don't know what feeling I'm experiencing

Community Member

Lately, I've noticed that I get this feeling where I feel overwhelmed and I just can't bear to stay in class any longer. When I feel like this, I am usually getting teary or I will cry silently so I draw no attention to me. It makes it even worse when I can't leave the room, I've asked my teacher just to sit outside the door but they wouldn't even let me. Then I feel very distressed, I don't know if it's because I feel trapped and can't deal with my emotions and have to act like everything is fine in front of my peers. I want to tell my teachers but I also don't want them to know, so I feel even worse.

Like, if I can't leave the room. I am super angry, irritated (like don't talk to me or I'll snap) and just REALLY want to cry. I don't know if this is anxiety or I just can't be in a class full of kids. I don't know why I experience this feeling or why it happens.

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi MacJS,

In some ways, I experience thoughts/emotions/feelings very similar to yours in various situations.

A psychologist explained the "fight or flight" system that we apparently have built up in us. In some situations in life, we feel like we need to run away form a situation or fight it out.

Is there a counsellor at your school you could talk with?

Would you feel comfortable expressing how you are feeling with your parents?

It may be beneficial to telephone Life Line on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 to talk to a support walker. They may be able to offer an explanation of why you may feel this way.

Having a chat to a Dr would be beneficial as well.

Maybe you could read up about symptoms for anxiety and stress and see if any of that fits for you. If so, you could take a list of what you are experiencing to show your Dr or a school counsellor.

If you are able to, try some slow deep breathes and see if that helps to calm down how you are feeling.

ope you find some answers and can gain some control of how you are feeling.

Regards from Dools

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi MacJS,

Thanks so much for your post. Dools just mentioned seeing a counsellor and I was just about to recommend this. Not just because of therapy in general, but because school counsellors can work side by side with teachers to support you.

While I don't really know your teacher or your situation, I don't think it's fair to make you sit there when things are too overwhelming. Maybe the teacher doesn't really know how helpful it would actually be to have a breather when things get too much. School counsellors though, do. Hopefully they'll be able to advocate for you a little bit - as well as giving you a place to talk to about why all of this happens too.