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Dealing with Anxiety and a Narcissist

Community Member
Hi there,

I have popped on here before and asked for some help with feelings of a new kind of anxiety and I have managed to learn and process and deal as best as possible. It's still a work in progress but I feel better after the situation I have been dealing with has been resolved as best as possible.

I have been dealing with a new manager I have had to train and learnt things about her through multiple mediations with her and our area manager supervising. This manager I have been training is a textbook narcissist and has been the cause of my huge anxiety attacks. She has offsided the whole team I work with and they feel horrible and she still won't take blame but puts it all on me. I have a narcissist in my family who we had to cut off cause he was just so toxic it wasn't good for any of my close family or extended family. But this one is someone who I work in the same company with so calling her out in the way I truly want can't happen cause otherwise I look like the bad guy, which is what a narcissist wants.

So my question, does anyone have any tips on overcoming knowing a narcissist? I don't have to be near her anymore but obviously for work purposes I have to be professional and not look like I am wrong even though upper management know my worth and value so I am reassured by that knowledge. It just sets my anxiety on edge a bit and I hate the feeling of someone thinking they have control over me when they aren't even near me now. I want to take my control back.

But yes, any help with dealing with the feelings of knowing a narcissist and how to push away the thoughts of knowing them and how their existence is purely frustrating would help.

Thank you,
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hi Ashkey

The word narcissist caught my eye as I am in a relationship with one.

As you are probably aware you can never win and it is a waste of energy trying to. I have been reading a lot about how to deal with this abuse, how to change my reaction to it. I am struggling myself but I have found understanding narcissism really does help.

I tend to speak before I think sometimes and that's when they get you. They thrive on belittling you and attempting to make you feel useless, stupid.

I'm sorry I'm not much help but wanted you to know I feel for you. Always walking on egg shells is hard enough but add anxiety into the equation and it is a living nightmare. Over thinking things, self doubt etc.

Best of luck with it all, take care