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I am scared... I'm becoming paranoid

Community Member

I have phobias or panic attacks sometimes. Commonly at home when I have nothing to do. It's about
the future. Lately my brother has been watching netflix and I just can't help to watch when he
puts on some horror movies. Ever since I had sometimes shortness of breath, chest pain and I sweat alot.
I just can't stand it anymore. I need someone to help me. My brain just keeps on making things like
zombie apocalypse etc. more realistic by finding out possibilities. I become paranoid all the time.
Except for school because my friends help me relax my emotions. I always have these at home and it's
stopping me from doing certain things like I have a taboos. I am too worried about my Mom getting hurt
or if she disappears because I've had these terrible nightmares. I woke up with a pannic attack and
I can't remember I saw some illusions and my chest hurt so much I started crying but not loudly,
since me and my Mom sleep in the same room due to some problems with my brother. My brain keeps on making ways

the world can end or be destroyed so I can just feel worse.

Please send help, my mind hurts.

2 Replies 2

Hi BB,

Welcome to the Beyond Blue Forums, We know how scary it can be to reach out for support, but we are so glad that you've done so here today. It sounds like you’ve been feeling very overwhelmed with these experiences, and feelings of paranoia, we are sorry that you’re in such a tough space right now. Please know that you’re not alone in this and that our community is here to work through this difficult time with you.
We also wanted to let you know that we have sent you a private email with some extra support that you can you in addition to the forums.
We hope that you continue to check back in with our community when you feel up to it. 

Community Member


when i am worried and paranoid about the unknown that is outside my control i try to do the following

i would concentrate on my breathing and the way i would focus on breathing at a smooth slow pace

i would place one hand on my stomach and use only my stomach muscles to breath in and out without rising my chest as when we breath rising our chest it places us in that flight or fight mode and our mind is responding to the way we breath

when humans breath is calm the mind will also become calm and by breathing with your chest rising is very close to the way a human would hyperventilate

btw i am a very paranoid about many different things in my life and this method of breathing helps calm my mind