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I am panicking about Climate Change

Spl spl
Community Member

Hey all,

Just a heads up, if you are wondering why I am panicking because climate change happens 'in other countries', 'not happening for hundreds of years', or just 'not possible', then I highly encourage you to research it (the IPCC 2019 report). Obviously don't if you're going to panic like I'm about to talk about, just that in Australia particularly there has been abysmal public education on climate change and there are a lot of myths and lies out there, of which are spread by the fossil fuel industry.

Anyway, Australia's the only country in the world right now without a plan to tackle climate change-- at all. If you've noticed the government hasn't helped the victims of the fires at all. Also weird political things are happening, like attempts to quickly pass laws that are against fundamental human rights like outlawing unions & climate protests.

Also more evidence has been coming out recently that scientists predictions for climate change are accurate. Which means those fires raging over east are now normal weather events, and will continue to get worse year after year. I am not kidding. I am freaking out about this. Constant anxiety attacks, panicking, I feel like vomiting. It feels like people are just letting this slide and no ones standing up to how corrupt this is 😞 It would be fine if we switched to renewable energy and stopped coal/oil/gas production which would greatly decrease carbon level in the atmosphere (causing climate change). So at least the level of danger would stay the same and not get worse.

But no, that not happening. It's not. I'm terrified. I have severe asthma. I'm so scared. I'm 19, this is my life. I'm trying to take action but theres nothing going on in my city this week >:| and just, I need tips to just manage this panic. I'm not sleeping, eating much, relationships have suffered. Not looking after myself after finding this out. My whole life feels fake now. Because in a few years its all going up in smoke. That's not a possibility, it's a scientifically proven inevitability.

I understand ignoring climate change for your mental health. Seriously, I get it. That used to be me. But right now I can hardly rip my attention from the horror unfolding in front of me. I don't know if Australia will be 1st world country for much longer. "Democratic" for much longer. "Safe" for much longer. I feel so unsafe. I just want to feel safe. I just want to sleep.

Any advice...?



10 Replies 10

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Spl

It's definitely good to be fired up when you're passionate about this world. The naturally good people do get fired up. It definitely shouldn't be a political issue but unfortunately when egos and money are involved...hmmm.

I love the quote 'Live for the seventh generation'. In other words, be conscious of who you're leaving this world to. You're a deeply thoughtful person so I imagine this quote will resonate with you.

I regard myself as a natural soulful person and in being so will share with you a concept and practice that helps me at times. It is based on the idea that we have incredible energy inside of us (something quantum physics also acknowledges). Our major energy centres can sometimes be stirred up or we can consciously stir them up by choice. One of these centres is said to be located in the solar plexus region. It is regarded as the seat of courage. It is where we feel butterflies. When consciously winding the energy up, the feeling between courage and anxiety can feel very similar. I know it sounds seriously outside the square (as this is not everyone's cup of tea) but when considering the times where courage is needed most, it is typically at times when we're feeling confronted. The question becomes, if someone is confronting us, 'Is this courage itself actually stirring up inside of me, forcing me to to just scream out how I am feeling or how they should be treating me better'? This is where the scenario has the potential to change from 'This person is stressing me' to 'This person is challenging me. Do I accept the challenge they pose, to stand up and be heard?'. Myself, if I decide not to accept, I will calm myself down by exhausting a significantly long breath out, until I feel almost lightheaded. With such a feeling comes relaxation. A lot of energy needs to be exhausted in order to calm down.

With anxiety, the temptation is to gasp for breath (draw more in), yet this adds energy (oxygen) to an already hyperactive set of systems inside of us - neurological, vascular and so on. When exhausting energy through the breath, the whole body relaxes including the brain, the shoulders etc. Watch what you body does naturally when you release a long breath. By the way, if you're in an experimental mood, you could try consciously stirring up a little drive and courage through imagining a particular scenario and see where you feel the effects in your body. Solar plexus and heart centres really get going. Remember to exhaust.
