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How to deal with a highly anxious state?

Community Member

Hi. Any recommndations as to how to manage when you feel higly anxious? Any tips will be really welcome. I am just having a very difficult time trying to control my anxiety. Many thanks

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Capibara, welcome to the forums.  These are some suggestions I recently gave to another member who asked that question:

In terms of coping with feelings of panic while they are happening, there are a few things you can try:

1. Control your breathing: you’ll want to breathe rapidly, but try and slow down. Place one hand on your chest, and another on your stomach – breathe in for two counts, and out for four. Try and concentrate totally on this action.

2. Counter negative thoughts: repeat simple, short sentences to yourself that reassure. ‘I will get through this’, ‘My heart will slow down’, ‘I am in control’, 'I am in a safe place here at home'.

3. Take notice of your body: sit down if you can, with your feet firmly on the ground. Tense your muscles for five seconds, then release, working in groups up your body. Feet, then legs, then back, all the way up to your face.

At other times, you can try and occupy your mind with simple activities that you enjoy and give you that feeling of warmth.

For me, if I'm really tensed up, then lying down on the bed and listening to some music, an audiobook or a podcast is very enjoyable.  Watching a TV show or a movie that will make me laugh can really change your mindset.

If you haven't already, it would be a really good idea to see your GP as well to look at the possibly of medical or therapeutic assistance.

There are more suggestions on our website here:  http://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/recovery-and-staying-well

Does anyone else have suggestions?

Hi Capibara,

First of all, congratulations for having the courage to seek advice! That is a positive step! I agree with Christopher's advice, these are definitely techniques which will help ease any anxiety attacks you are having at the moment, and also techniques to combat any attacks that may come on in the future.

The most important thing for me is to walk myself back to the situation at hand. Too often anxiety forces us to jump one hundred 'problems' ahead, when most haven't and will not occur. I usually sit myself down, reassure myself a couple of times while concentrating on my breathing. I then walk myself back through the situation with some reassuring, positive outlooks. It's usually by this point I have calmed myself enough to continue with the task at hand in a productive way.

I also recommend going to visit your local GP, who will be able to help you forward with possible medication and a referral to speak to a specialised therapist who will be able to coach you through techniques to help you through anxious situations.

Another suggestion may be daily exercise. Nothing strenuous, I find it very comforting to have 'me time' every afternoon with a light walk out in a relaxing quiet park. During this time I plug in my headphones and forget the world for the day - it's my safe haven, my wind down time.


Community Member

Hi Christopher and Petrinec,

While I have my anxiety under control (most times) I am desperately looking for information on how to help a friend cope.

Thanks so much for the info, I agree with the breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth - I breathe in "pure" air, then hold for 3 and breathe out the "anxious" air. That, with the help of medication when it's really bad has helped me tremendously.