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how can i tell my parents about my issues?

Community Member

I'm having trouble right now. I have been struggling with anxiety and what i assume to be depression for up to a year now and i'm fed up. I have plans to get my mental health checked out at somewhere like 'Head Space' to see if it's anything really worth worrying about. however, there lies the problem. I am a 15 year old boy. I can't tell if i'm right or wrong and i don't know where what i say sits in this day and age. this is the kind of thought that keeps me from asking my parents to take time out of their day to take me to see someone about my mental health. It's just a scary thought that they won't listen to me or they'll think i'm lying and laugh it off like it's nothing. And even if they do listen, what if it's nothing and i'm just overreacting? what happens then? Have i wasted their time on something that was never there in the first place?

I really need help with this. I can't keep thinking the way i am now without someone knowing that i am like this.

Your help and advice would heavily be appreciated.

2 Replies 2

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi AplaceToStart

I'm sorry you're feeling unwell and apprehensive about talking to your parents. I can understand your struggle.

I'm a mum and my daughter has a mental health condition. We are very close but she struggled to tell me how she was feeling at the start.

I was so glad she did. I didn't want her to suffer alone and she really needed my help. I know that she felt an enormous sense of relief to share her feelings and most importantly I could help her get the treatment she needed.

I don't know your parents but I would hope they would listen and take your concerns seriously. Try not to worry about potentially "wasting" their time. It's better to know than not know what's going on.

If it turns out to be a non-issue, great. If it turns out there is a health issue that's okay and you'll be able to get the help you need. People do fall ill, but they also get better.

Courage to you and best of luck talking to your parents

Community Member

Hey Aplacetostart,

SR above shared some great advice so I will try and not repeat anything SR said 🙂

You are 15 and I can tell you are already extremely resilient, strong, brave and courageous and these are amazing qualities people work their whole life towards achieving/building up and to have it at 15 is amazing and you should be proud!

What your going through is extremely normal and you could very well have both anxiety and depression. When you feel that it is starting to severely impact your emotional well-being and overall quality of life, this is the time for professional help.

Headspace is a great organisation and work wonders. I would recommend them. They will approach your situation with extreme care and tailor an action plan to suite your needs. They work with client's using a holistic approach. Give them a call if your comfortable doing so 🙂

Your concerns are extremely valid and you won't be ''annoying'' or a ''disrupting'' their day if you voice your concerns. Your concerns are legitimate and I would hope they take it seriously and provide you with the love and reassurance you need and deserve.

If you believe that they will laugh or not take you seriously, this is a problem and I would advise you to speak to Headspace or your GP and talk about/being treatment.

You deserve and have the right to live a happy life and enjoy a good quality of life and emotional well-being. Your concerns are legitimate and I believe you would greatly benefit from speaking to your parents as well as your GP and exploring the possibility of setting up a mental health care plan and seeing a psychologist 🙂

You are an inspiration and it will get better mate.

Hope this helped and all the best!

Keep us posted.
