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High functioning anxious people.

Community Member

I am not sure why I am writing this.

Maybe because I am a high functioning anxious person. It is something I can do when I feel that something needs to be done.

I would like to hear from other high functioning anxious people.

How do you cope? How do you deal with the need to do something when there is nothing to be done.

78 Replies 78

Community Member

Hi Pixie,

I know that I'm super late to this forum. I think this is a really good thread 😊

I can personally, like everyone else who has responded, relate.

Although for me it's more like I'm a high-functioning-everything. High functioning when I was depressed. High functioning when I was anxious. High functioning even after I had not been out of hospital for long. You get the picture.

I definitely struggle to not do anything. In saying that, I also kick up a fuss when I've a lot on.

I personally find a change of scenery helps like the beach or park or something.

That and music helps me too.

Dottie x

Community Member
Love this thread. So grateful for the posts. I am trying to replace my HF-anxiety not resist it so much. Someone told me, "you can't overcome obsession by obsessing about your obsession." I used to hate the mindfulness idea because it made no sense to my HF-anxious mind, but I am now concentrating on exercising my mind differently. Not easy. If you Google "Readers Digest10-steps-to-mindfulness" (can't post the link for some reason) it gives a good summary of some practical things to do. Cheers, PJ70

Community Member

I have found that you can get a "reputation" for being high-functioning and always reliable when others maybe in a flap...Who ya gonna call???? Call Moonstruck...she'll know what to do, where to find, who to go to, what to say, what the phone number/email address is!!!

They probably do this unconsciously...because I always step up to the mark! Even though it may leave me a quivering mess at the other end....the quivering mess part is invisible!

the possibility that I might be "feeling a bit crook, not having a good day, really too busy at the moment, not feeling up to par" in any way, shape or form, simply does not come into the equation. Never occurs to them!

I tried to express once that I was not up to it just now and the reply? "Oh come on, (chuckle chuckle) you do your best work under pressure...I'll leave it with you!"

I was in hospital once (for medical reasons, not psych) and couldn't rest there properly as I felt SO guilty about what was being left undone..my sense of responsibility to others is way off the graph!!! I don't feel well today...but there is NO WAY I can rest!

Community Member
we put so much pressure on ourselves... and cannot imagine there is any other way to think and behave. Apparently there is...

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Personally I hold myself to very high expectations that are often unrealistic but make me a high achiever but causes me constant anxiety so it's quite cyclical. Regardless I know I need to do certain things to unwind like frequent exercise (everyday), socialising with people who are aware of my issues and trying to slow the world down when it gets too hectic. Relaxation techniques are so imperative to remain sane with the pressures I put on myself and in the last couple of years my girlfriend has really helped me move past some of my anxiety but reminding me to slow down when I'm stuck in 6th gear.

Community Member

Scrolling through Facebook today a friend shared a video about high performing anxiety. I felt it was me. So I started researching... for the first life in my life it makes sense. The overachiever, straight As, "perfectionism"and "works well under pressure" got me the fastest promotions but I am daily battling the voices in my head saying I am not good enough. I honestly can't believe there are actually so many people going through the same. On the outside it seems like I have the perfect life but in reality, I am struggling to cope... I know it's hot helpful...!

Community Member

Thanks for posting Endora. Although I hesitate to say this. It is nice to know I am not alone.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Same harvey01 - I'm a third year law student and I always have this feeling that there's always something to do or i haven't done enough. What I've learnt over this year is that these high standards aren't realistic, especially for someone managing anxiety such as myself. I try to remind myself regularly to take it easy and that i can still get everything done and done better by making time for myself to relax. Its worked so far - got credits i all my subs last year and am doing quite well this sem as well. Hope this helps 🙂


Hello Moonstruck,

I have been told by a family member that I am the one to come to when you want something done. I did however get the impression it was not quite a compliment.

I used to do the don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Now I been doing more a if it doesn't have to be done today leave it till tomorrow and it may never have to be done. Surprisingly there are some things that either don't need to be done at all or as often.

Hello People....well things have gotten slightly more complicated since last I posted. This "high functioning anxious person" is considering seriously, and feeling I want to, leave my casual part time position in the coming year.

I will see out the final project for this year and not leave my elderly boss in the lurch with that undone, but am at a loss how to tell him, or even IF it is the right thing for me? How do you know? Will I be bored out of my brain? thank goodness I have a fulfilling rather demanding hobby/past time which I intend throwing myself into IF I leave work....but feel guilty in leaving this businessman who relies so heavily on me. (but would never admit it)

What is causing me so much stress about this work (been there for a lot of years now) the boss is quite elderly, well past retirement age and sort of flogging a dead horse - the business is floundering. People are leaving him one by one...I am the "only man standing".

He relies on me to find things, remind him of emails, sort out computer problems, fix the problems he creates, make suggestions, give him my opinions re decision making, as he's losing the ability to do the job properly - I have no more interest in the work, get no pleasure out of it, am quite modestly paid ( not always on time either). It has became a sort of weight around my neck!!

I think for a "high functioning anxious" person, leaving a job where you are the one keeping things afloat is a major dilemma. (as you would imagine in this tech age, workers can be reached 24/7, weekends, the Inbox always has business emails, no matter when I log on). I am myself, approaching a certain age...and it's simply becoming too much for me....and contributing enormously to my overall anxiety. Dunno what to do.