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High anxiety and stress

Community Member
Ive has suck high anxiety and stress it making physically sick I wanna feel better but I don’t understand how to rely on myself to handle breakdown can anyone help or give me advice
8 Replies 8

Hi G12345,

We're sorry to hear how distressed you are right now and we want you to know we're here to provide as much support, advice and conversation as you need.

Please know there is always help available to you. If you're in crisis, please give our friends at Lifeline a call on 13 11 14. Our support service is available to you around the clock by phone on 1300 22 4636 or email (replies within 24 hours) or, if you prefer, webchat from 3pm-midnight AEST every day via: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support

Please keep checking in and sharing your journey with us here whenever you feel up to it.

Community Member
Hi there,

I'm really sorry to hear that you are feeling this way and I am proud of you for reaching out for some help, these forums are a great place to start! Have you spoken to anyone in your life about how you are feeling such as a friend, a family member or a GP?

I know it sounds scary but it might feel nice to get how you're feeling out into the open. I know for me I booked and cancelled a few appointments before actually following through with a GP appointment. I only followed through because I told my boyfriend about it and asked him to come sit in the waiting room with me. This was really great as it motivated me to go. The GP was really supportive and although she asked a few confronting questions I am grateful to have gone because she gave me some resources to look into for help. I also find that telling my friends helped me understand my own feelings more because I had to articulate how I was feeling.

I also like going for big walks when I can especially if I'm feeling down and I find that I think a lot about my current life and how I'm feeling. I will bring my phone along and write my thoughts in my notes section and just get everything out into written format. You could even do this with a journal instead but I find this is something that helps me to understand how I am feeling. When I went to the GP I even dot pointed a few feelings and behaviours I was having at the time that I know weren't making me feel the best. I told her I hadn't been feeling great and that I had written a few things down because I was nervous to say them and just passed her the piece of paper. This worked really well to start the conversation and you could even do this with a friend or family member. Other possible forms of journalling are artwork, writing lyrics or poems, dance and other creative forms of expressing yourself. You might realise how you're feeling if certain themes or emotions keep coming up when you do these things. Meditation is also a great way to organise your thoughts and I recommend the headspace app from the apple store. I hope this helps or gives you some inspiration to ways you can get your thoughts out.

Community Member

You probably already know this but; a really good diet can help with anxiety and stress.

Exercise really helps too. Getting enough sleep. Addressing any issues in your life that you've been putting off or procrastinating about. I get a relief when I finally do something that I have been putting off for a long time and after I do it, I realise how much it was bothering me but I didn't realise.

One of the best things though, for anxiety and stress is fasting. Fasting without food and water during the daylight hours for example and then eating at night. It's not for everyone, if you have any problems with food then it's absolutely not a good idea. But I've been trying to lose weight for ages and fasting drastically reduces my anxiety and makes my thinking really clear and I feel more balanced too.

At least give it a try a few times and see how you feel!

Community Member
I found a release

Community Member
I feel like I’ll never be better

Hi G12345,

We are so sorry to hear that you are not feeling hopeful at the moment. We understand that this feeling might be overwhelming, but please remember that things can always improve with the right treatment and support.   It looks like a few of our community members have popped by to offer some words of kindness and support. We hope this is of some comfort to you. How have you found a source of release in the past?   The Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 or our friends at Lifeline on 13 11 14 are available to provide support and advice 24/7. Please do feel free to use these services to talk through what's on your mind when it's feeling like too much to cope with.   If you would like to post further, please tell us more about what's on your mind and how we can best help you get through this tough period.

Interesting point. We would encourage anyone considering a change in their dietary intake though to talk to their GP beforehand.

Community Member

Sounds like you need a little break from all these stressors can you take a couple of mental health days or do nothing but self-care this weekend.

Don't be too hard on yourself you are doing amazing. Your anxiety is being a dick

Stay strong its hard times