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Health anxiety

Community Member

I have been having such a bad time with physical symptoms today and it’s been just awful. I have got severe health anxiety but things haven’t been so bad lately until today . I haven’t had any anti depression medication for 3 days so I’m wandering if that has anything to do with what I’m feeling. Got palpitations in heart , headache, ringing in my ears and my brain feels like it’s shaking. I have had these symptoms before and they usually go away after 1 hour or so but have been feeling like this most of the day . Find it so hard to relax. I have had lots of tests in the past but nothing is found and I’m told it’s anxiety although I always feel it’s so much more than that. I really think Iam going to ask for more tests to be done as I’m sick of feeling like this. I just want to feel ok and not always feeling like something is wrong with me as it’s an awful way to live.

6 Replies 6

Community Member
Hi Gracie, the symptoms you're describing sound the same as what i go through since i've been tapering off antidepressant med. When i tried stopping them completely, the nasty withdrawal symptoms hit me on the 3rd day and each time i reduce the dose now i start to feel really weird on the 3rd day, heart palpitations, off balance and shaky, waves of anxiety and fear i'm losing my mind plus other unpleasant body sensations. I've learned from experience its not safe to suddenly stop taking antidepressants because for some people the withdrawals can be pretty awful and scary. I battle with health anxiety too but not as bad since watching a lot of health anxiety vids on Youtube. I hope this of some help to you and you're not feeling as bad tomorrow. Are you on your own? I am and that makes it worse not having someone to distract my thoughts and feelings.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Gracie63,

Sorry you are feeling this way, I understand it would be difficult for you.

Anxiety can be hard to deal with.

Have you been back to your gp to discuss how you are currently feeling?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Also Gracie63,

Are you tapering off your antidepressant under management of a gp?

We need to be advised how to do this….. we can’t just stop taking an antidepressant it needs to be done slowly and under management.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi Gracie,

If I have learnt anything from having two autoimmune diseases, it is that listening to your body is key. Anxiety can cause these symptoms, and a lot of doctors are quick to dismiss it. However, a lot of conditions are hard to diagnose - so if you feel like something more is really going on you should push for more tests. Advocacy is key! I had doctors telling me "I was too young for XYZ" "Oh XYZ is rare, you won't have that" "Oh, these issues are common in girls your age, it's just normal" when it WASN'T as I actually had XYZ conditions.....I had to end up in hospital for them to find that out though...listen to your body!

You need to find a doctor that listens to you, advocates for you and will run every test possible. Also, a psychologist can help manage your anxiety - CBT helped me personally with mine.

I hope things improve for you,

Jaz xx

Thanks for the reply, Iam doing better now as I’m back on my anti depression medication although I till have a lot of panic attacks and my health anxiety Is always lurking around. I’ve learnt tools to help me calm myself and I do find coming onto beyondblue helps As I don’t feel so alone. Hope you are travelling ok .

Community Champion
Community Champion

I am glad to hear. I am glad you find the community supportive.

all the best,

jaz xx