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Health anxiety!

Community Member

Hello, Im sure other people suffer from health anxiety and I do too, and it’s really bad. Considering my age, I’m very young but even the tiniest throb, headache, cough worries me and it’s draining me faster and worse than my own health can. It’s extremely scary and I can’t seem to find people with similar constant Symptoms that come with their anxiety, no matter how much research I do so I’m convinced it’s something bad. Which makes me feel unmotivated to do absolutely anything, I leave things to the very last minute and I can’t even keep up with basic hygiene because I feel like there’s no use, also makes me feel awful. When I do get random boosts of motivation (rarely) or feel like I can calm down, I immediately can’t anymore, I tense up or get even slightly anxious that something bad will happen after that and that’s the only reason I was allowed to be “normal” for a bit, so I leave that and force myself to feel more down and empty, But in general everything feels meaningless at the same time.  If anyone feels similar I’d love for a reply!

5 Replies 5


Hey Fzyy,
Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing this here.  This is a really safe, supportive space, so we’re glad you could share this with us. 

You are definitely not alone in experiencing health anxiety. It  is something that does not discriminate based on age! Many of our community members share similar challenges and may be able to share with you some of the wisdoms that have helped them. We’re sure they’ll spot your thread and share their perspectives here soon. In the meantime, here’s some things you might like to look at: 

There are also some older threads here on health anxiety:

Please know that the Beyond Blue counsellors are here for you as well, and you can call us on 1300 22 4636 any time if you feel like talking it through.  

Thanks again for posting here. It must have taken a lot of strength to share this, but you never know who will read this post and feel less alone in their own experience. 
Kind regards,  
Sophie M 

Chris o
Community Member

Hey fzyy, it sounds like you are having a rough time. I have spiraled from time to time but it always seems to pass. Good luck we are all thinking of you.

Community Member

Hi Fzzy,

i hope you’ve found some reassurance since you posted this. I just wanted you to know that your post is exactly how I’ve felt since 2017! Every year since there’s been something new that I’m dying of and guess what! I’m still here. I know how hard it is to see the light at the end of the tunnel but as bad as it sounds, it makes me feel more comfortable knowing that I’m not the only one to experience this. I refuse to let this beat me, I work 6 days a week and even though it’s a struggle, I know that I can’t let my thoughts win. I hope you’re getting the help you need and I wish you all the best. 

Community Member

Hi Fzyy,

You are not alone. I have struggled with something very similar for the last 5 years. Only in the last 2 years i’ve become somewhat aware that this is a mental health condition(still a part of me won’t just accept that it is just that). I’m constantly thinking how can it be a mental condition when i feel physical symptoms first?? I have had over 15 sessions with psychologists and counsellors, that helped a bit to open up and talk about it however still hard to change my core thinking which i feel is hard wired. Have tried various medications as well but that just gave me more physical symptoms to worry about!

Don’t think i’m in a position to give solid advice, but just wanted to reiterate that you are not alone. The absolute worst thing you can do is start googling your symptoms, if you have done this, you will know everything leads to you having cancer or something terrible.

I am always seeking medical reassurance from doctors, scanning this, testing that. This helps in the short term but as my psychologists says it’s not the best way to address the problem.

One thing that helped me is guided meditation, can really recommend doing something like this. Even when you are doing a short 10min meditation, those 10mins you can be somewhat free from those intrusive thoughts.

All the best and hope you can get on top of this.

Community Member

Hi, I've just joined beyond blue because of the same reason. Any little thing that I feel, I think it's leading to the worst (heart attack/cancer etc)

I won't even go to the doctor to do bloods because I'm so confident my result will be the worst. 

Just know you are not alone, I believe life struggles this day and age, has made us all stress to this point. Hope you overcome this 🙏