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Health anxiety

Community Member

Hey guys, just going through a really rough patch these last couple of months overthinking everything, especially my breathing as of late. Always thinking I’m struggling to breathe or there’s something in my throat blocking my airway. I do have asthma however never really been an issue apart from when I was really young (I’m now 23) but about 6 months ago got put back on inhalers because of going to the doctors being really anxious and feeling like I couldn’t breathe.

Has anyone else had issues like this?

its not just breathing , it varies all the time. As soon as the breathing difficulty goes there will be another ache which I’ll think is cancer, or a tumour. Or blurred vision is another one that’s common for me, headaches, dizziness etc.

Just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues? Feel like it’s good to speak to people with similar issues because it’s kind of a way of telling ourselves that we’re actually ok I guess...

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Lharrywooll,

Welcome to the community here. Over time there have been many people posting here about different symptoms they experience due to anxiety. It can be very distressing until we are able to talk to a Doctor to find out what is going on.

Does having the inhaler with you help you to feel more secure and less anxious?

From what I have read anxiety can cause such a vast range of symptoms. My experience is that it makes me want to either freeze or run away. I feel like I am about to have a heart attach and like I can't breathe.

Our minds are very powerful and over thinking can happen so rapidly before we realise the journey our minds are taking.

Are yo receiving any help in dealing with your anxiety? I know I often struggle with thoughts that get out of control very quickly!

I hope you can find some help and alleviate your symptoms. Knowing other people have a similar experience, or even a totally different reaction to anxiety can help us understand it is a more common occurrence than we think, and there are options for help and assistance.

Hope you find some solutions.

Cheers from Dools

Community Member

Hi Lharrywooll,

i have developed a severe health anxiety recently to the point where I feel every part in my body is cancer or a serious illness, I’m constantly googling my symptoms and I’m convinced that I have something wrong with me despite getting an ECG scan and blood tests. I have sharp heart pains as if someone is stabbing my heart and it really scares me as I think no one has this and it’s so abnormal. I have booked a visit to my cardiologist and am going to get a chest x ray also for reassurance.

It is interfering with my daily life and I am always short of breath, my heart is always racing and I am always worried of developing a panic attack when going to work. I won’t really be at peace until I receive all my results back and I see a psychiatrist.

how are you feeling now?

Community Member

Hi Lharrywooll

im new to these forums but let me tell you my symptoms are identical to yours.the blurred vision,dizziness,shortness of breath, you name it I’ve had it. Feels like I catch a break. I’m usually so good and managing my symptoms but with my work and family life at the moment and being so close to Christmas my anxiety is out of control. It’s nice to talk to someone in the same boat.

I was chatting online to a beyond blue memeber and she suggested mindspot check it out I’m enrolled to start my course next week. Completely free can cancel at anytime all online and you speak with a therapist one a week or you don’t have to at all. I think this will really help me since I don’t like seeing people face to face as I get really emotional when talking about my symptoms and anxiety