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Health Anxiety! Pls help

Community Member


I really would like some others to talk to about health anxiety - at the moment I am so distressed I can barely cope I don’t move out of bed nothing ! I feel every sensation in my body and I keep obsessing over the fact that I have MS, it’s like I read the symptoms then they start happening to me or it feels like I have every single one. I know I have anxiety but I’ve never experienced it like this before and that just makes me think even more I have MS, I ended up in emergency last night he did a full exam on my body like reflexes , pushing and pulling away with my legs and arms and he said everything seemed normal but to still request MRI at the drs. I am so scared I am going to the drs tomorrow but it feels like the longest wait I’ve ever experienced.. i feel so alone even though I’m not and im so so scared

6 Replies 6

Chris o
Community Member
Hi, sounds like you are doing everything you can. Stay 💪

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Dear Rach93,

Its so easy for our minds to conjure up all sorts of different symptoms that we can actually feel in our body...The more we put our mind onto something the more we feel it..even if it’s theirs nothing there...

I have heart problems which cause ectopic beats and a fast heart rate...I’m medicated for it..but if I sit down and concentrate on my heart...sure enough i will feel the ectopic bests and racing heart...If I just do my normal daily activities with no thoughts at all on my heart..nothing happens in that area....I suppose I’m trying to say is..If you can try hard to not let your thoughts think about different body parts...and try hard to do normal every day chores..hopefully you can feel less anxious...

Looking up Dr. Google is really not a good idea sweety...I feel that you have to try to put your trust into your doctors..They have done years of schooling, learning and have lots of experience...they will always tell you the truth...

Its good that your getting an mri scan,,,shows the Dr. wants to make sure your doing okay and once the results come back..which I think and hope will be fine...then you can relax your thoughts away from ms...

I wish you all the best at your next Drs. appointment...

Please if your up to it...return back here and let us know how your going...

My kindest and most caring thoughts..dear Rach..


Community Member

Hey Rach93,

I have been suffering from this too recently, first time in my life. I have always had mild anxiety and quite a high functioning mind which has led to me leading a successful life so far. Recently though I had overdone it overloading myself work wise to a breaking point.

I started experiencing tingling and numbness in my face, arms, hands, legs and feet as well as problems with my vision, googled the symptoms (first massive mistake) and then also thought I had MS.

What helped me was looking at these forums and all of the symptoms I was experiencing are directly attributed to anxiety. I still had all the tests done which came up clear, which was good for my piece of mind. But it did not stop the symptoms completely.

I have also put more time into exercise and mindfulness. I still have good days and bad days (today is a bad day) but I can feel I am anxious before the symptoms reappear. Then is is just battling within my mind that they are symptoms of anxiety and doing things that a positive to cope with that rather than something more ominous.

Hope this helps! It's been a really tough period. It's ok and understandable to feel the way you do.

You are in no way alone!

Community Member


thanks for your reply I went to the doctors today and she won’t send me to MRI or to a neurologist until I have taken anxiety medications and if my symptoms are still there then she will refer me which doesn’t reassure me at all.. since going to the doctors I have started experiencing burning sensation in my back I’ve never had this before and yet again I googled and it said it is due to nerve damage which can be MS so yet again I am going crazy.. I am so upset. So now I have to suffer until I can actually go to get a mri or see a neurologist.. I am shaking right now and feel like I’m going to have a mental breakdown.

Community Member


thanks for your reply & sorry to hear you have experienced the same thing .. it is a horrible thing & the more I google the symptoms it starts happening to me - after the doctors today I’ve started to experience burning sensation in my back and it straight away say MS I am shaking and so nervous ! My dr won’t send me for a MRI or see a neurologist until I see if my anxiety medication works. It’s really not reassuring .. good to know I’m not alone

Community Member
You’re 100% not alone I have major health anxiety too, I had anxiety attacks while driving but the symptoms of the attack were horrible something flicked... literally moved in my brain, I felt instantly nauseous, dizzy, like I was going to pass out, then the tingling in my left arm started and the chest pain too. So I went to hospital and sure enough I was 100% okay. Then I went to my dr to get a CT scan because I was so certain something was wrong in my brain that came back clear then a couple of months later I requested an MRI because I had developed pressure behind my eyes, and double vision sometimes and that burning sensation in my head. But the MRI came back clear too. It definitely puts your mind at ease if you can get those tests from your dr or find a new dr that will listen and understand you. Practicing Mindfulness also helped me too. Stay strong