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Health Anxiety My living nightmare!!!!

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Hi , first time here

as you’ve probably already guessed I suffer with health anxiety it all started 6yrs ago with a major panic Attack which required an ambulance and a stay in hospital as I really thought I was dying and new nothing about what a panic Attack was until that day , fast forward to now & cut a long story short I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue have been on medication now for a few years and it seems to be ok but it can sometimes play up which can increase my anxiety pretty bad when my levels are out I’m also on medication to try and combat the anxiety but sometimes when I’m really worried and anxious it doesn’t do a great deal . Like at the moment , about 6 weeks ago I was out with my husband and 2 year old and we were in a shop and I was literally fine talking away not thinking of a thing and then out of no where I got a very severe pain in the side of my head so bad I felt a bit sick and had to sit down it didn’t last long maybe 1min if that and it was gone had a couple of twinges later in the afternoon but nothing more after that and I have never experienced anything like it before as you can imagine for someone with health anxiety this has now caused me to think I have a brain tumour I thought not much more about after it happened and thought I was ok but last week I had a similar thing just not painful when I was driving my son to swimming I started to feel strange in my head and really foggy and kept zoning out and really struggled to sit through his lesson because I felt like something awful was about to happen , so now since last Tuesday I’m in a completely full blown anxious state and fearing the worst that I have a brain tumor as I have a sore neck and continue to have sharp pains on my head I don’t have headaches but I do feel off balance and really feel like I’m lacking concentration and my memory is shocking and getting stuck on words this is really worrying me I’m in such a state I do have an appointment with my doctor on Friday. I wish so MUCH I could just be normal and be like oh well whatever like when my husband has anything wrong he just doesn’t even think twice about it I wish so much I could feel the same but I just continue to go in a vicious cycle last month was esophageal cancer because I have reflux before that I was convinced it was my heart because my reflux was playing up I literally have had every test possible apart from a brain scan and all are always fine aside from my thyroid and low iron .

85 Replies 85

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Did you have a full blood count recently, Ash? If nothing irregular there I think you can relax around the cancer thing. Meanwhile, go have the pap smear (I know waiting for the result will be challenging but hey it'll be done, and that's reassuring) and at the same time your gp can check the butt for you AND advise whether they think the 7 hour thing is worth. I think there's better things you can do with that much time? 🙂

How old are your children and what does a normal weekday look like for you? I'm just asking so that we can maybe think of some things to occupy your mind during the day other than health 🙂

Community Member

Yes I had a blood test at ER in November 2018 and all good.

Never ever been scared of a Pap smear before not sure why I am now?!

We have a business and my kids are 11, 9, 5 and 3 so I can be busy if I want to but this is just stopping me in my tracks.. I googled itchy bottom and apparently it’s very common AND is worse with anxiety.. Gosh is this a life sentence?! I’m getting depressed just thinking this is my life from now on.

Community Member

Hi Ash

Given the ages of your kids, and that you have a business as well you don't need to be more busy ha ha. Maybe it's hard to switch off and relax and have any 'me time'! A cup of tea in the garden from time to time?

Give your meds some time to kick in and that should help re feeling depressed. I believe anxiety is around forever but it doesn't have to be at extreme levels. Once you get it down some, you can learn with the psych to keep it down...

Community Member

Hi Annie,

Hope youre still doing well.

I’m not unfortunately. The itching sensation went away and now I just feel pressure down there (anus) as if I need to go but I don’t. I googled it and ofcourse ANAL CANCER came up and my main health anxiety is about Cancer. I’m freaking myself out again hoping and praying it’s not that.. I’m writing this crying waiting to be seen from my GP to check...

i started my antidepressants but nothing has helped yet. Just when I thought I was doing better...

Community Member

Hi Ash

You know the anti depressants can (unfortunately) take a few weeks to kick in...and hopefully, by the time I get back to you, you've been reassured by your gp about your anxiety and he/she has talked about the meds again and when to expect some relief from them?

It's good that you organised to see someone straight away so that you could get that worry ticked off.

I have various niggles, something different most days...and even though the forums are a safe place and full of understanding people with similar issues, I often find it hard to talk about the things that make me anxious. It's as though saying it out loud makes it somehow worse you know?

Community Member

Hi Annie,

Unfortunately I’m still feeling the same. I had a dr check it and he said it’s a haemorrhoid. I told him I’m worried about cancer and he said the only way to know for sure if it’s not stomach or bowel cancer god forbid is a stool test. Now that’s all I’m thinking of. Because I’ve had digestion problems and problems going to the toilet and lost weight (which my psych said are all signs of anxiety too). Now I won’t feel better until I do this stool test. It’s actually a living nightmare. I’m stuck in my thoughts no matter what I do they don’t go away. If the stool test comes back positive then I have to do a colonoscopy. I’m so dreading it and praying that the stool test is negative because I’m terrified of doing any more tests.

Please talk about those little things happening with you; I might be able to help like you’ve been helping me... not realising I’m the only helps somewhat too.

Community Member

Hi Ash

How are you and where are you up to test wise? I've also been having digestive issues for a few months and that's what kicked off this round of anxiety. My gp was away when it all started as I think she'd have just said to me it's IBS, and talk to me about what was worrying me (an ill relative). The young dr I did see sent me off for scopes and while I panicked beforehand, and didn't want to do them, I'm glad they're done and IBS was still the diagnosis. Stress/anxiety...the issues are slowly getting better but not yet gone.

I also get really tight shoulder muscles and lately spasms/cramps in my upper back and I worried that it was all somehow related to heart but my dr has talked me out of that. I still get them, and when the back one happens I do still panic...but trying to talk myself out of it all.

I wonder how old you are Ash, and whether you have any family history of colon cancer? Once you've had a scope assuming all clear you won't need another for some time and you won't be at risk of cancer in the meanwhile.

Community Member


Im 37. No history of bowel or stomach cancer and dr said I’m not aneamic so I shouldn’t worry. Never going to go to a different dr again (my normal dr understands me). The other dr was rather blunt and said YOU CANT RULE TGEM OUT WITHOUT A STOOL TEST.. so I sent that off this morning; been in bed ever since. If that’s positive (I’m praying it’s not) then I have to do a colonoscopy..

what helped with my back/shoulder issues is acupuncture from my Chiro and regular adjustments. Also if u can go to a naturopath they really help with digestion issues.

My mum has a sarcoma on her thigh so I think that’s made me sensitive to Cancer even though she’s cancer free now the radiation on her leg has left her wheelchair bound. She’s had a liver transplant too so I’ve been around hospitals and tests all my life; only now it’s actually making me fearful which I don’t remember being before..

glad u did ur scope and it re confirmed IBS that’s better than being anything sinister!

Community Member

Hi Ash

See your regular dr re the test result yeah - cos it could have blood in it from the hemorroid (sp) and still not be cancer! If you do have to have the scope though I promise you it's not that bad - book it in quickly, get it over and done with and you're clear for several years after it. You get the result as soon as you wake up so no more waiting around with that one.

Thanks for the tips re accupuncture and naturopath. You did mention naturopath before and I forgot and have done nothing about it! I don't really have time/patience for more appointments at the moment though...but will go if need be.

I understand your fears around cancer a bit better now that you mention your mum BUT I didn't know what sarcoma is so did a mini google and you know it's not hereditary right? It said you have no more risk than I do of getting it. Your gp knows about your mum's health issues I assume? and is I hope sympathetic to your fears. Hey I can't stand hospitals. If I do end up with something and as an in patient they will have their work cut out dealing with anxiety ha ha! I cared for my mum for several years and just hated taking her to so many appointments and hospital stays and then, when it was nearly all over, one of my children was diagnosed with a chronic illness - like karma, 'you're not done with hospital visits'!!

Community Member

Hi Annie,

my stool test results came back NORMAL!! Ah I’m so relieved! I didn’t actually know sarcoma wasn’t hereditary as I’ve promised myself no more google so thanks for telling me that! So glad I don’t have to do the colonoscopy..

i had to take my mum to her appointments also what a coincidence.. I’m so sorry to hear your child had an Illness; as a mother that would be terrifying and heartbreaking. Do u think that could be contributing to your health anxiety? My psych said something triggers it because I wasn’t like that before at all; was never worried about test results would actually forget to go get my results! My son got irritable hip and kept getting swollen lymphnodes and my daughter got abcesses on her neck which I immediately thought was god forbid cancer. Thank filly they are well now. I hope your child is better? My heart goes out to you Annie honestly; parents of sick children have my complete respect.

I hope your tummy troubles are a little better?