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Health Anxiety My living nightmare!!!!

Community Member

Hi , first time here

as you’ve probably already guessed I suffer with health anxiety it all started 6yrs ago with a major panic Attack which required an ambulance and a stay in hospital as I really thought I was dying and new nothing about what a panic Attack was until that day , fast forward to now & cut a long story short I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue have been on medication now for a few years and it seems to be ok but it can sometimes play up which can increase my anxiety pretty bad when my levels are out I’m also on medication to try and combat the anxiety but sometimes when I’m really worried and anxious it doesn’t do a great deal . Like at the moment , about 6 weeks ago I was out with my husband and 2 year old and we were in a shop and I was literally fine talking away not thinking of a thing and then out of no where I got a very severe pain in the side of my head so bad I felt a bit sick and had to sit down it didn’t last long maybe 1min if that and it was gone had a couple of twinges later in the afternoon but nothing more after that and I have never experienced anything like it before as you can imagine for someone with health anxiety this has now caused me to think I have a brain tumour I thought not much more about after it happened and thought I was ok but last week I had a similar thing just not painful when I was driving my son to swimming I started to feel strange in my head and really foggy and kept zoning out and really struggled to sit through his lesson because I felt like something awful was about to happen , so now since last Tuesday I’m in a completely full blown anxious state and fearing the worst that I have a brain tumor as I have a sore neck and continue to have sharp pains on my head I don’t have headaches but I do feel off balance and really feel like I’m lacking concentration and my memory is shocking and getting stuck on words this is really worrying me I’m in such a state I do have an appointment with my doctor on Friday. I wish so MUCH I could just be normal and be like oh well whatever like when my husband has anything wrong he just doesn’t even think twice about it I wish so much I could feel the same but I just continue to go in a vicious cycle last month was esophageal cancer because I have reflux before that I was convinced it was my heart because my reflux was playing up I literally have had every test possible apart from a brain scan and all are always fine aside from my thyroid and low iron .

85 Replies 85

Community Member
I am so glad that I’m not alone in this! Every time I get any sort of ache or pain my mind immediately goes to cancer or something else just as serious. I’ve seen several doctors and had numerous tests done with everything coming back clear but I just can’t believe them and I don’t know why. I just want to feel like my normal self again but I don’t know how to get back there

Community Member
You’re not alone at all... please try to see a psychologist before it starts to get worse. Writing about it seems to help a little also. I don’t believe the drs too for some reason.. here’s hoping we all work through our issues and come out the other side. It’s soooo frustrating because I used to be the type of person to ignore symptoms and stuff; never stressed about myself and now I pray I could go back to those days..

Community Member
I’m seeing one at the moment and we’re slowly working through the anxiety but it always just keeps coming back. Hoping that it’s just a phase and my new meds my psychiatrist put me on start to take effect soon

Community Member

I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. I have always struggled with anxiety but health anxiety is new to me of recent.

I have increasingly become obsessed with my neurological condition over the past 2 months beginning with the development of neck pain (which I still have but I see the physio soon yay!). I am continuously monitoring my gait, speech, thought and mood. I feel a fog in my brain and my eyes are heavy. I get aches all over my neck, head and face. I'm starting to space/zone out and my short term memory has taken a turn for the worst with me forgetting thoughts from 1 second gone. But they do come back soon after which I'm glad for. I was watching anime with subtitles and noticed I would get stuck on the last word of the sentence and it was like pushing over a wall just to finish that word in my mind. I'll mix up simple routines like yesterday I put deodorant on before hopping into the shower. I don't laugh as much as I would like and feel a little scared. I get shivers through the back of my head and sometimes can feel nausea and dizziness. I'm currently medicated but am under stress and struggling to break this cycle. I've diagnosed myself with numerous diseases from cancer to CJD. Even one of my forearms feels weaker than usual most of the time. I've had numerous doctor visits and done numerous tests but have all come back clear. I've done a CT scan of recent which I will get the results for tomorrow.

It brings me comfort writing this and knowing I'm not alone in this struggle.

I'm currently experimenting with meditation and neurofeedback therapy to ease my anxiety so hopefully I can see some improvement. Can't see a psychologist at the moment as I have used up my mental health plan but managed to get physio on a care plan. The hardest part of it is waiting to feel like I was before this ordeal. I feel I'm getting back slowly. My doctor is really understanding and has been with me throughout this year through medication changes and is always willing to support me by allowing me to make appointments to chat if I need to.

I hope writing this helps.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Well I'm 70 now and I also have health anxiety. I have terrible trouble going to the doctor. My heart rate and blood pressure go up and I shake now. Have had this for 14 years now and it never gets any easier. How does anyone else cope with this? I look around the waiting room and all the other people just seem normal, but not me, I"m a mess, despite my counselling sessions. My body just takes over

Hey 👋

well I went to my GP and my Brain CT was 100% clear the reporting Dr wrote NIL next to everything and where it says conclusion & findings he wrote Nil , my neck CT showed some minor narrowing of my C3-5 & C3-4 vertebrae and a slight curve in the neck which explains the sharp pains in my head . So I’m feeling a huge weight off my shoulders and a lot more relaxed for a change . So I’m going to try cognitive behaviour therapy myself and try and combat these thoughts once and for all , I cannot believe that anxiety can make you feel so many symptoms and can make you feel so sick .

I lost my mum when I was 19yrs old because she had been fobbed off and misdiagnosed for over 5yrs and always told it was anxiety or stress when she did finally find a DR who looked beyond the textbook and saw that there actually was something going on she was in heart failure and her mitral valve was not working at all , so she needed urgent open heart surgery to replace the valve she was wheeled into surgery smiling away and told me how much she loves me she was brought back to intensive care was awoken the next day and then by that night I was back at the hospital at 1am after they phoned me to say she had deteriorated and needed immediate surgery because she was bleeding into her heart . She fought for two weeks after that until her heart gave in she passed away in my arms at 10.20am on the 26th Feb 2004 , her heart issue was due to having rheumatic fever as a child it had damaged her heart . so since this happened I have suffered health anxiety very severely but find as the times going on it’s not as constant it just comes on here and there but when it does it hits me hard . I miss my mum every single day she was my best friend. But I’m going to try very hard to overcome this and enjoy life because I don’t want to waste it feeling like I have been . 💛

Community Member
How frustrating is it! But glad to know we’re not alone even though I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.. what a horrible thing to have in common! I hope all is well with the ct scan results. I do know that Anxiety can create and mimick symptoms of an actual disease! Wishing u well please let me know how u go. I tried making a gyno appt today and they don’t have one for another two months! I would’ve gone crazy by then!!

Oh!! I am so happy for u!! I was thinking about u today hoping all was ok! Hopefully that should make u feel better.

what a terrible way to lose your other; I’m so sorry for ur loss and that explains why you don’t really trust drs that much. My mum was given too much radiation which in turn led to her femur bone dying and now she can’t walk she’s permanently wheelchair bound so maybe that’s why we don’t believe the drs too much when they say we’re fine. Seeing it in black and white will make u feel better. Keep the positive and ‘normal’ results stuck on a wall in your house and whenever ur anxiety starts creeping in walk past that wall and see all the normal results in an attempt to try and shut that thought down.

I hope you can find a way to feel better again and you can be a shining example for ur little boy.

Would you believe I’m at it again I’m all worried again , I’ve come down with some type of chest infection hubby was sick and master 2 is sick , which my doc gave antibiotics for but it’s set my Reflux off really bad and some foods I have are getting stuck and now I’m fearing the worst that I have Esophageal Cancer, I had a scope in feb of this year which came out to say that I suffer from non erosive reflux disease which basically is acid coming up but not causing any damage all the biopsies came back fine aside from gastritis and some other thing which can be controlled by medication but I can’t help but shake the thought of that he may of missed something because he is such a relaxed type of Dr or something has grown since feb of course I can’t stay away from google and it all says the worst so now I’m petrified but I don’t want to go back to the specialist again seeming I was only there in feb and I was also there in 2016 and I have probs had 3 scopes prior to that since 2012 and all have never showed anything serious but I’m just in a whirlwind again and worried and this is a constant thing this reflux it seems to be ok then come back again it never really disappears and all has been worse since having my son .

I wish I didn’t always think the worse but I do 😞

My reflux always flares up when I’m anxious too! I had gastroscopy about a month ago and everything was clear but much the same as you, I always think worst case scenario. My latest one is when I get any pain in my chest or ribs I think I’ve got a pulmonary embolism. It’s so crippling and I really hope new medication I’m on will start to help me out. I get so frustrated with myself because no matter how many doctors tell me I’m completely healthy, I don’t believe them and think that they’ve somehow missed something. I wish my mind would stop playing tricks on me!