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Have you experienced sleep paralysis?

Community Member

wikipedia: Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon during which an individual is unable to move during falling asleep or awakening, but is aware of their surroundings. It is often accompanied by frightening hallucinations to which one is unable to react because of paralysis and perceived physical experiences, such as a strong current running through the upper body.

Hello everyone,

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis before?

How did you deal with it?

Does it happen often to you?

I have just experienced my second frightening sleep paralysis episode with the last 3 years. I noticed I had a big headache and bout of anxiety before going to bed last night. It felt like I was strapped down and something was coming to get me, I tried calling out but had no function of my voice. After a few long seconds I was free.

Now I feel knocked out as if I haven't slept all night. I am Thankful that it's Sunday and I don't have to go to work.


6 Replies 6

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Banjoman

Gosh I have never heard of this. Sounds terrible. To me it sounds like a variation of a panic attack but it would be best to speak to your GP about what you experienced.

You mention you had a bout of anxiety before going to bed last night, is this something you have been diagnosed with?

I was diagnosed with GAD nearly two years ago but before that it was misdiagnosed as a sleep disorder. I had debilitating insomnia but it was determined that it was a side effect of the GAD. So I know how you must be feeling today - and it is not a pleasant feeling. As you say lucky it is Sunday but still it is not something that you want to experience on an ongoing basis.

As mentioned above, best to speak to your GP and they can advise what to do next.

Blue Jane

Community Member
I have tried to induce sleep paralysis after experiencing it once and thinking it was extremely frightening yet exciting at the same time. It's an incredibly insane feeling, it hasn't happened for a long time though.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Banjoman,

Thanks for your post.

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis before?


How did you deal with it?

Well ultimately you're paralysed, so you can't do much really!

But I assume you mean coping? It can often be very scary when it starts and I know I had it for a while before I realised what it was called. I think the most important things are to educate yourself about it;- the common theory is that they are visits by the demon! Knowing that it will end and what's happening in your body (not a demon) can make the process a lot easier.

Does it happen often to you?

I've had them more times than I can count. They started many years ago and I still have them now but not as often. I lucid dream a lot (am conscious of the fact I'm dreaming) which means that I'm more prone to them.

When they happen, and if they happen again (they might not - they are rare), remind yourself that you are safe and that this will end. Initially when they started happening to me as I was frightened I kept trying to move or call out - obviously this didn't work and it just made me feel more scared. If you can, focus on or think about something that you know and that calms you; whether it's a pattern on the wall or maybe whatever you were just dreaming about. The good thing about this awful experience is that it never really lasts too long, even though it feels like it does.

Community Member

Hello Banjoman,

Yes I experience it every now and again, and have done so since I was about 18. It always happens if I sleep on my back, and when I fall asleep in the morning after already having woken up properly.

I found they pretty much stopped when I started taking magnesium.

If it's happening a lot I would recommend you see your doctor - a few seconds is not much to worry about - the RISP (recurrent isolated sleep paralysis) type can last for hours.

Having a regular schedule and not sleeping in too much can help too!


Community Member

Hello there!

I'm not 100% sure if this is sleep paralysis but - once in a while (rarely) I will open my eyes and I won't be able to move (I can move at a turtle rate with one of my hands only) and breathe. Luckily if I try to hold my breathe even though i can't even breath, after about 5 seconds I will be fine again.

One time I was under my blanket and I was suffocating - never again, haha. I don't cover my head under my blanket anymore.

How I dealt with it? I tried my best to not sleep again but ended up sleeping anyways.

I would try to see a doctor if it starts happening again though. You never know!

Community Member

Hi Ben,

I have had it 3 times this month. All similar episodes. It feels like I am tied down to my bed and am conscious. I can move only my eyes. My mouth is muffled so if I scream it feels like I'm choking. Its always very similar. A dark figure is standing between my half opened door just watching over me struggle then sometimes backs out of the room completely. I have managed to get up off the bed once in the episode and switch on the light within the dream but then it blinded me and I fell on the floor feeling like I could not open my eyes. I dont know whats going on but it's becoming an issue as it makes me avoid sleeping after I wake. Its the strangest feeling because it feels like I wake up to the sleep paralysis episode from another dream. Kind of like dream inception.