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Glandulor Fever Affecting IBS?

Community Member
Hi Guys,

So going through some trouble. 5 weeks ago I got diagnosed with Glandulor fever, i didn't feel well for the first week. But did alright during the 2nd. I then went back to work for a week, but the following day i had a fight with my partner (recently moved in with her 3 months ago). Got really sad and depressed but we talked it over and we made up. However 2 days later i started to get stomach pains. Felt a lot like IBS. (Got diagnosed 12 years ago with it).

Over the following few days it got quite bad so organized a doctors appointment. During this time i had many moments where i was struggling with anxiety, always going over the bad elements in my head. After speaking to the doctor he reckons its my glandulor fever attacking my IBS then Anxiety. 2 days later, i got my mother to take me to hospital as i was on the floor in pain. Once again they believe its glandulor attacking my system.

I'm currently just "resting" at home, waiting for this to pass. Every now and then i don't feel like i can cope with this, and the worst part is my parents just went on a holiday and my partner leaves in 4 days for 2 weeks. So i'll be alone, while trying to recover. Im stressing over work, as i was nearly fired 2 years ago while going through massive anxiety diagnoses. I hate just waiting hoping to get better from this.

So just want peoples opinion, ever heard of glandulor attacking these symptoms?
5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Barnzey87

Thankyou for the helpful thread topic re Glandular fever and IBS. This is an important subject that can help many people that not only post yet read the forums too!

Anxiety/Stress is an awful set of symptoms to have. I understand what you are going through after many years of chronic anxiety/stress and it can be a bad place to in.

Its only my observation after 35 years of anxiety/depression that IBS is common when we are going through ongoing stressful periods.

Our digestive system is the most sympathetic (reactive) to even low level anxiety. I am sorry that you have been going through a rough time in your life and having anxiety. The IBS can occur even after a stressful life event as we can still be on edge

This is only my humble opinion through my life experience Barnzey as I have the same symptoms

Can I ask if you have another appointment coming up? I am not sure re Glandular fever and IBS yet I am a person that has suffered from IBS (and the pain invloved) with having anxiety

The forums are a safe and non judgemental place for you to post Barnzey....You will never be judged here

You are amazing for having the courage to post with us and seeing your GP....and thankyou 🙂

I really hope you can post back with any questions or comments when convenient for you

you are not alone Barnzey


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Barnzey

Welcome to the forum. Glad you posted in.

I have had glandular fever and it's not nice. Staying home for a week is not enough. I was away from work for much longer. As I understand it there is no specific cure, for example an antibiotic. As you probably know it is a viral infection. I presume you have the usual attendant headaches and backaches which I found severe.

It would not surprise me to learn you have IBS, especially if you have had it in the past. I agree with Paul that anxiety can trigger all sorts of physical symptoms including IBS. Not having medical qualifications I give you an expert view. Having said that I can say from my experience anxiety and depression can do all sorts of nasty things to our bodies because our immune systems are also not up to par. Add glandular fever to the mix and it is not surprising to find other reactions cropping up.

I know it's easy to say rest when your mind is going sixteen to the dozen, but do try. It's unfortunate your parents and partner are going away at the same time but they will return. If you become unwell again and you cannot wait to see a doctor please phone 000 and ask for an ambulance. I know it's something we tend to forget about but it's there to get us help when we are in trouble. Pain is a good reason to call.

To go back to the glandular fever, it makes you extremely tired. I slept all night and still needed naps during the day. It is exhausting and debilitating. You do need to take this on board and make allowances for yourself. Be careful what you eat, though I am sure you already know what is good for you at this time and what to avoid. I don't suppose you feel like doing anything but try to find gentle activities you can put down and pick up depending on your tiredness. I enjoy jigsaw puzzles which I leave on the table for weeks. Good job I live alone.

I think you are concerned that there is something more sinister going on than IBS. If that is the case then have another talk to your doctor. Remember that the glandular fever will be colouring what you think as well as affecting your body. Sit out in the sun a little, if it is warm enough where you are. I'm in Qld and still get cold so not sure if it is warm anywhere.

If there is anything you want to talk about please continue to write in. Or write in to enjoy the company.


My glandular was very unique. The first week i had symptoms of fevers and such. But i went back to work 2 weeks later, after that is when this started to occur. I thought the worst and felt like i was losing my mind again. Which made no sense because i felt emotionally stable, wasn't suicidal and only felt anxious because of the pain.

So got it checked out and doctors reckon glandular is attacking my previous diagnosed IBS and Anxiety. 2 Days later Hospital thought the same thing.

I'm just scared of this being something else, that won't be cured by time. I may need to go back onto an anti-stress drug or something. its how my IBS has been managed in the past. Im feeling better in terms of pain, but still feel off. Its hard to describe, but going to work i think may only make it worse for the moment. I'll be going to the doctors again this week. But haven't really had IBS or "major" anxiety issues over the past 1-2 days.

Was hoping someone may have some experience with glandular and anxiety.

Hello Barnzey

Thank you for explaining what is happening for you. I think anxiety added to any physical illness will slow the recovery process. In your situation it may well trigger the IBS as our 'guts' are quite tricky bits. It is unfortunate you have this combination and it appears logical that you take some anti-anxiety medication to help in your recovery.

Having glandular fever means you still have the symptoms of that virus. Your tiredness will be a part of this. It takes time to get well unfortunately. I know I would rest for several days and then feel very well. I would then complete various tasks and fall in a heap the next day, only to start the whole cycle again. I imagine the stress of simply getting to work would be exhausting without spending the day there. I could never have imagined being so exhausted, quite a shock to the system.

If you have a hobby of some sort, a gentle one that is, that you can pick up and put down easily as your tiredness allows, will help you to return to 'normal' life. No going off to the gym for a workout.

While the combination of glandular fever and IBS is making you feel very unwell, the addition of anxiety will inevitably add an extra dimension. Unfortunately that's true of I suspect of any anxiety plus illness. It's also worth considering if it is the glandular fever plus IBS which is causing the anxiety rather than the other way round.

Whatever the reason I hope you get well soon. Happy to continue chatting if you wish.


So went to my doctor yesterday and got told the bad news. Seems like I've gotten IBS back to the full extent of pain every day. I think maybe the glandular brought it back, but unsure at this time. Doctor has given me some new drugs tonight to try. But i really don't feel well. I can definitely feel anxiety being constantly there, which isn't making life any easier.

Not in a good place right now, if these tablets don't help, I'm gonna be in trouble 😞