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anxiety weakness

Community Member
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced muscle pain and weakness due to anxiety. It affects me mostly at night but my body becomes weak, my arm begins to hurt and my face muscles begin to feel really tired almost like they’re not functioning right. I’ve googled it and it says it can be due to anxiety but not being 100% sure stresses me out more. It’s al a bit confusing because there are so many symptoms to anxiety. When my body begins to feel tired, especially my face, I begin to work myself up which makes it worse - just wanna know if anyone else has experienced this or something similar. Thanks.
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Hi ave

im new to this forum but I too suffer from really bad anxiety attacks and my body feels week to I also tense my jaw a lot when stressed and by the end of the day I cant sleep because my muscles around my jaw hurt real bad and usual get a headache as well. Anxiety really takes a lot out of your body and because you tense your muscles its normal for them to be sore.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Ave,

Sometimes after a big or prolonged panic attack I get a similar feeling. I feel like I have been holding all my muscles tensed for such a long time that when I finally relax in bed they ache and sometimes cramp.

Does stretching before bed help? Or a heat pack on your shoulders/neck? Sometimes a hot bath with Epsom salts helps me when it's really bad.

Have you spoken to your GP? Dr Google can be more stressful then helpful sometimes and reassurance from a doctor can really help out your mind at rest. If you do go - booking a double appointment can help ensure you have enough time to go over all your concerns.

I hope you feel better soon.
