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First timer

Community Member
Hi All , this is my first time on anything like this . I have a partner with anxiety and usually try to handle everything on my own . But it is hard at times and I just thought having others to talk to in similar positions might help . Anyway , hi and it’s good to be here .
3 Replies 3

Community Member


First off, I think it’s amazing that you’re reaching out to help your significant other; they are very lucky to have someone so understanding.

I myself am in a relationship, but I’m the one struggling with OCD, Depression and Anxiety. My partner has never had to deal with anything and/or anyone this severe and helps me through it every day.

I just wanted to give you an inside to our perspective of dealing with anxiety in a relationship.

- Just because he/she is frustrated, irritated or depressed. It does not mean you are the cause, sometimes it just happens.

- Sometimes you can’t help, and that’s normal. If you try your best and he/she is still having a hard time, that is NOT your fault. We sometimes need different stimulation, our own techniques or even be alone in these times even though we love our partners to the moon and back.

- Yes, we do get more largely clingy, jealous and irritated than the average person. We keep asking the same questions over and over again. But please don’t get angry, all we need is confirmation to feel at ease.

I’ve always thought that we were the fighters, but in reality, the individuals who are in the relationship with a person with mental health issues are also true fighters. You are there when no one else is, you stay and support us when we are shaking paranoid for hours on end, you believe our pain, you will wake up at 5am to comfort our anxiety and never let us think that we are different and unworthy.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Priscilla,

I’m so glad JJ offered such a kind and insightful welcome to you here (excellent post, JJ). I hope you’re finding your way around the forums okay...

I agree with JJ that you sound like a very caring and loving partner. You’re a beautiful person...

I feel it must be overwhelming at times though so I would gently suggest making sure you take some time out to do nice things just for yourself too e.g. seeing friends, going for a walk by yourself, etc. I suppose what I’m saying is while it’s admirable and beautiful to support your partner, try not to completely neglect yourself in the process...

Also, there’s a forum called Supporting family and friends with a mental health condition (caters) that you might be interested in as there’s probably a lot in it that you’ll be able to relate to...

Good on your for so bravely reaching out here. Hopefully, but only if you want to, we will hear from you again if you’re feeling up to it. You’re most welcome to post as often as you like and whenever you like...

Kind and caring thoughts,


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

I’m sorry, I meant to write “carers” above (not “caters”)

