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feeling not real

Community Member

hi. i’m struggling bad.

i look at myself and i feel like that’s not me. i think to myself ‘i’m ella’ and i cant physically comprehend it. i look at my hands or my legs or anything and think that’s me and it freaks me out. it’s scary and new and i feel like i can’t live like this anymore. please tell me im not alone and has anyone else gotten through this?

what can i do?

7 Replies 7

Hi ellamareeee,

Welcome to our friendly online community. We're grateful that you reached out here as we know that it can be really difficult to do this for the first time. We're so sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. We understand this migtjht cause you some distress Please know that you don't have to go through this alone, there is help available to you.   We would strongly recommend that you get in touch with Kids Helpline - https://kidshelpline.com.au/  It might help to talk it out with a professional when you're feeling overwhelmed. Kids Helpline counsellors can be contacted 24/7 via telephone and also via webchat if you go through the website. You might also be interested in getting in contact with an organisation called Headpsace. Headspace is an organisation specifically for young people aged 12-25 and they offer a wide range of services including counselling and group programs. They also have a group chat on their webpage - https://headspace.org.au/ We hope that a few of our members will pop by to welcome you. Please feel free to keep us updated here on your thread.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Ella welcome to this supportive forum.

It must be so uncomfortable to feel like you do.

hen you say your rams and legs looks scary is it that they don't feel part of your body, or something else.

can see this would be very unsettling.

Feel free to keep up the conversation.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi ella

Certainly sounds like things are getting a bit overwhelming for you in regard to what you're experiencing. I think it's important to look to the guidance of someone expert in the field of self understanding. You could consider going one of 2 ways or both ways:

  • One way involves setting things up with your GP in order go see a psyche, so that they can guide you through this. The other is seriously outside the square...
  • The other is more a soulful approach. It has been said that 'the body is merely a vehicle for the soul' and on the odd occasion the soul aspect (non ego aspect of self) will observe the body it's in. People have said that it can be a bit of a trippy experience. It can present as being like a shift in reality. Some people will actually take drugs to get this kind of experience. Some will go on even further to look into other states of altered consciousness. If you're more of a soulful person, a spiritual coach might be your thing

As I say, you can always explore both paths if you so wish. The 2nd aspect is, for sure, not everyone's cup of tea.

I hope you find answers through the best possible guidance.

Take care 🙂

Community Member
i’m making a doctors appointment today. i’m starting to have scary thoughts and feel physically sick and feeling like i can’t do this much longer. i wake up in fear and i feel like i’m not me and it’s such a scary feeling. anxiety is taking over me and it isn’t fair

Hi ellamareeee

Glad you're putting some positive plans in motion. Some factors in life we can easily manage on our own and some involve us having to seek out co-managers. It isn't fair for you to be managing this overwhelming experience on your own. You're wise in knowing you don't have to.

Take care and all the best 🙂

Community Member

Hi Ella 🙂

I totally feel this, I always say it’s depersonalisation. Unsure whether that is definitely the correct term. It is truly the worst! I’ve suffered from it quite a lot, and lately it has come back too and been quite often. My legs and rest of my limbs feel numb and weird, and feel like I’m almost in a dream or living as someone else?
the thing that helps me the most personally, is grounding myself. Meditation; look up headspace app they have 5/10 minute ones and it will really make you focus and put yourself back in the present.
I also sometimes have a hot shower if I’m at home, and notice all the hot water hitting the different parts of my body.
Or I find little things like painting where all my attention is focused on that only and then I start to feel calm again.
look up grounding techniques, there are lots you can do easily that will help you and ones that are easy to do no matter where you are.
I hope you feel better soon. You’re not alone! I totally get you

Community Member
Hey Ella,

I just wanted to let you know that this is quite a normal experience for some people. As caityyyxx mentioned, this could be considered depersonalisation. I have had similar experiences where I feel like an out of body experience in a sense where I just feel like a moment I have isn't real and so it means I'm not real. It's honestly the hardest thing to explain. I do experience anxiety and I feel like this feeling really flares up when I'm having a period of bad anxiety. Grounding techniques are a great distraction and what helps me is exercise, so just going for a little walk around the block and tuning into my senses. So for example listening to the cars passing by or the birds, or noticing the cold wind on my face or the smell of whatever is around me. This is just something that works for me personally but it does help me to stop obsessing over my own thoughts.

I hope you feel better soon and I am proud of you for having the courage to seek some support because I understand that these feelings can make you feel really alone and its great to have people in your life that you can talk to about this stuff with out loud.