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feeling hopeless

Community Member
I know i have posted here before and people are probably sick of me but all the Political stuff is really getting me down. The world feels headed for war and hopeless. I worry about my 16 year old son. What kind of future will have? I feel useless to protect him from what is to come.  I don't know what to do or how to cope with what is going on.  Everyone says distract yourself but how do you do that when its everywhere and everyone feels down. I think back to my grandmother who in ww2 was in london with my 6 year old dad getting bombed every night and i think of her resilience and i wish i had just a tiny bit of that courage and resilience that she had.
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Valued Contributor

Hi Bookgirl


I'm definitely not a fan of mainstream media, as I find it tends to be a lot about fearmongering. I think anyone who has a brilliant and vivid imagination can easily be led to imagine the worst. Give me a worst case scenario and I can see it playing out clearly in my mind, which is exactly why I have to be careful with what I let into my imagination. While the imagination is a truly incredible gift, there are times where it can lead life to feel like hell on earth.


When we're young, no one every really warns us about the importance of managing our imagination carefully and strategically. There's a really good reason as to why I wouldn't let my kids watch the news when they were young, even though it was encouraged by some teachers at school. I didn't want them to fear what they had absolutely no control over or any say in. I didn't want the to feel what was depressing, stressful, hopeless and so on. I think perhaps the worst thing about mainstream media is the sense of helplessness it can lead us to feel, more than anything. Personally, I tend to manage the news on a 'need to know' basis. I filter out anything I don't need or want to know. 


What I do imagine about the future, if some war was to break out (something which may never happen in our lifetime or our child's), is that it will be managed by people who will be looking out for us in the best ways possible. This is what I choose to imagine. While some may say 'You're deluded' when it comes to what I imagine, it's what works for me, for now. I also like to imagine a very different world in 20 years time, where it doesn't look the way it does now. I like to imagine a world where our children's generation will have made a difference so we're not living with so much fear. Twenty years ago people never imagined the kind of positive  progress that has been made in this world today but if we look in the areas where such progress has been made, it goes to show that there are truly brilliant things well worth imagining. Sometimes, what changes our perspective is based on where we look. I tend to look to where progress has been made in this world.

You are right. I read the news headline and i have panic attacks.  I just hate trump so much and what he is doing and i imagine worst case scenarios.  I am just so tired of it all. The constant noise from him and musk drives me insane.  I have turned off all my news feeds but its hard when everyone talks about it too. I don't sleep very well. I just find it really hard to keep going at the moment when all i hear is bad news.

Hi Bookgirl


. Let's see how far we can push it'😅. While some decisions from people high up can appear to be reasonable ones on occasion, other decisions go beyond being questionable.


I think what we need are some really solid leaders, whether they be local, state, federal or global. There need to be experienced people who share a similar vision to the people who are desperate to be led in a positive direction. I think that, amongst such leaders, there also need to be mental health consultants. How decisions and visions are delivered to the people is so incredibly important. For example, while I know there is a need to address climate issues, we can't have leaders who are largely about 'This is the worst case scenario if we do nothing...'. Those kinds of visions are terrifying for some people. We need inspirational leaders and visionaries, not terrifying ones. While scare tactics are proven to work, they are also proven to cause mental health issues.


While more and more people appear to be coming to their senses these days (with the ability to sense more easily), there needs to be a developing level of consciousness in regard to such an ability. While we can sense or feel what we are hearing and what we're being shown, unless we become completely insensitive then all that kind of stuff needs to be considered more carefully and thoughtfully. Give me a leader who leads through inspiration, through incredible and credible visions of the way forward, through consideration toward those who they lead and I will feel all of that through a level of excitement like never before. I am excited to see the types of leaders our children's generation produce. If they are sensitive ones, with a good balance of logic, we could be on the verge of major change in so many positive ways. 🙂

Felt horrible today and couldnt' get out of bed with the state of the union address on. He was going on about greenland again. I am sure he is going to lead us to world war 3 and all i can think about is my poor son.

Hi Bookgirl


You sparked my curiosity. I had a listen to his speech. While I was shocked and disappointed in parts, I wasn't surprised overall. I found the most fascinating thing to involve the reactions of people who were there in that room. While there were those who were obviously not impressed and possibly silently enraged or saddened, those who cheered and clapped and stood in support revealed their nature. I found this the most challenging and sickening thing to observe, out of all I heard and saw. To find Trump's proposal to take Greenland one way or another laughable (a joke), it is one that is in extremely poor taste. I'm starting to understand why my 22yo daughter cannot listen to him. She simply finds him and his people too enraging. 


While he may love dictating how things are going to go for the people of America (whether they like it or not) and dictating how things are going to go globally (whether other countries like it or not), I can't imagine people are going to tolerate his dictatorship style for too long. I can't see him being in office long term, unless he changes his style of leadership. Could be wrong but what I imagine is change coming in the not too distant future. I like to imagine it as constructive change brought about by people who are more invested in progress than they are self service. 

Yeah agree Trumps is something else . l'd hoped he'll do more than Biden did. The things he's been doing with Ukr and Putin are just not right but yeah not to mention all the other things as you say too. Ukr though has really been a big one for me since it started , so sad and tragic.

l don't normally get involved in anything like all this stuff and know nothing about wars but Ukr has been v different for me .

The rest of it though yeah , if we let it it's all such a worry l've given up on all political leaders and anything political even in this country. 

Me l try not to listen to too much of any of it, watch too much of it or think about the state of things, l try to just go about my life bc end of day l know - anything l do or think won't change any of it .

Head in sand l know maybe but how else can we handle it all when we can't change a thing of any of it.

l can only offer try not to worry op , try to just live your life and any happiness you can in our relatively peaceful lives and world here and don't watch too much of it. Bc all the worry in the world won't change anything anyway.