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Fear of being alone

Community Member
  1. I have been my mums carer for her whole life. She will die any day from leukaemia and im feeling lost afraid and don’t know how ill cope 
2 Replies 2

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


I'm so sorry you are in this situation. I too have suffered family members passing away in the last 4 years.


Anxiety does play tricks on us in a way, anticipating what will become of us before an event is usually worse that arriving at that place eventually. So there is help out there-


We are here 24/7/365 for you to write in for support. Writing can get things off your chest which can be pivotal in your recovery. Then just wait for a reply usually within hours.


You local GP can refer you to supporting persons and approve 10 free visits to those professionals. This is really important and they can span over 12 months at the regularity depending on your needs.


Try choosing someone that has your trust to talk to, this person can help you out with things like bills and transfer of things into other names. But you'll need a death certificate and that can take a few weeks.


Make an appointment with Centrelink for any payments issues as they can backdate things and leave you out of pocket.


I hope that helps.




Plant a rose for you mum from your heart

She's the one where your life did start

A cry a wriggle and the nursing crew

was the first thing she heard and saw of you


Through her strength and love you will survive

You are wonderful and you are alive

Her heart will transfer to stay in your mind

The greatest gift from a mum so kind...



Eagle Ray
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Dear Kay,


I was a lifelong carer for my mum too and she died in 2020. I just wanted to say it will eventually get easier, little by little. Reaching out to a variety of supports can help. I did go to a grief support group for a while after my mum died and that was quite helpful, just being with others coming to terms with a loss. There is also Griefline who are available on 1300 845 745 (8am to 8pm eastern states time) who may be of help if you just need to chat one-on-one with someone. And, as Tony mentions, there is the option of getting Medicare rebated sessions to a psychologist. I think they are usually not free with the exception of a small number of psychs who may bulk bill, so you may have to pay a gap. It may just help to have a support system in place for after your mum passes.


But most importantly go gently with yourself. Just allow yourself to be present with your beautiful mum and take things a day at a time.


Take good care,

Eagle Ray