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Face Numbness

Community Member

Hi All,

i am new to the forum, i was diagnosed 4 months ago with PTSD and anxiety. i have now started to develop numbness on the left side of my face along the cheek. Can anyone tell me if this is normal as it does frighten me.

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Dont worry its just another symptom. Read up on anxiety symptoms and then you wont be so frightened. They change from time to time and come an go. Not pleasnt to live with I know BUT no need to scare yourself and send your anxiety soaring.

Hang in there this too will pass!

Community Member

Hi Romany,


thanks, i just find it amazing so to speak on how the body responds to anxiety. i am doing CBT with my Psychologist so i learn new behaviors and to not dwell on the pains i get. this will take time i know but it is a comfort to know that there are so many of us and im not alone in this fight.

Community Member

It certainly is amazing how the body feels with anxiety and how we make these feelings worse when we focus on them and worry about them.Keep busy, do what you enjoy and makes you feel good,keep positive and remember you are going to make it and come out stronger.
