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Dreading Halloween

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Everyone,

The only Halloween I like is the song by Jon Bellion.

Random strangers knocking at your door in costume...No thank you!

This year we're renting while the house is built and it's the first time we don't have a locked fence and the german shepherd keeping everyone away from our home.

I tell myself if anyone comes it will be kids and hubby will get the door but the whole thing freaks me out majorly.

Above all it is the costumes. A long time ago an ex decided it would be funny to pick the lock to the bathroom door and 'surprise' me in the shower in a scary mask. I don't deal well with costumes.

Am really hating that Halloween is becoming an Australian thing too.

Does anyone know if there is a polite way to let trick or treaters know "stay the hell away from my house because I'm frightened"? Hubby says as long as we have lollies it will be fine noone will try any tricks or get up to mischief.

If it wasn't for my little kids I would go camp on the floor of our shed and wait for Halloween to be over. Does anyone else dread Halloween too?


2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Nat, no, it doesn't excite me either, so I put a note on the wall next to the door saying 'No Door Knockers at all'.

This also keeps all the utility companies away, from continually knocking, telling me that their company has better offers, so no one knocks unless I know them.

Best wishes.


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Quercus

We don't celebrate it either. It's a terrible excuse for buying tons of sugar.

I put up a sign on our letter box that says we aren't participating. I've never had anyone 'trick' our house.

Here is a poster you can download and print that was made by SA Police. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.police.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/54369/no-trick-or-treat.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiA8fOkkq_eAhVCXCsKHdUXAX8QFjAKegQIABAB&usg=AOvVaw2Q8VO7VSV-YKKusUHF-GIB

Kind thoughts.
